You can see a modern tempeh fermentation room which is equipped with automatic temperature and humidity control, and is equipped with shelves made of food grade stainless steel.
Unesa.ac.id. SURABAYA—In order to support more efficient and quality tempe production, the Surabaya State University (UNESA) community service team developed a modern fermentation room equipped with automatic temperature and humidity control.
This technology was designed by the PKM team chaired by Djoko Suwito with members Rachmad Syarifuddin Hidayatullah and Wahyu Dwi Kurniawan to ensure the tempeh fermentation process takes place optimally, producing products of better quality and consistent.
The team leader, Djoko Suwito, explained that tempeh is a traditional Indonesian food product that is rich in nutrition, requiring a precise fermentation process to achieve maximum results. However, problems in controlling temperature and humidity often cause uneven production results, especially in small and medium scale businesses.
For this reason, modern fermentation rooms are designed with efficient energy consumption, making them suitable for use by small business actors. "This innovation is a form of our support to empower tempeh MSMEs so they can compete in an increasingly competitive market," he added.

Temperature and humidity control system for the tempeh fermentation room designed by a team of UNESA lecturers .
Tempeh fermentation room has dimensional specifications 200 x 250 x 200 cm, automatic temperature and humidity control. This invention can produce tempeh in large quantities with good quality and taste.
This invention can work automatically because it is equipped with an Electronic Control Unit (ECU) to regulate and adjust the temperature between 27-37°C. This invention uses a burner or heater to increase the room temperature and a fan to lower the temperature of the fermentation room.
"To optimize humidity, this invention is equipped with a sprayer that sprays splashes of water to increase humidity and an Exhaust Fan to reduce humidity," he said.
This innovation uses low power which is suitable for use in small and medium scale production. The room design has a large capacity and the tray is made of 304 stainless steel which has been standardized as food grade which is safe for food ingredients and does not change the taste and nutrition of the food ingredients.

Team PKM with tempe entrepreneurs in Sidoarjo.
In addition to technology implementation, this program also includes digital-based production and marketing management training for business actors. In this way, they are not only able to improve production quality, but also expand market access, including to modern markets and exports.
Through this tempeh fermentation room innovation, MSMEs in the tempeh processing sector are now more optimistic about facing challenges production and marketing. It is hoped that this technology will become a model that can be replicated in various regions of Indonesia to support the sustainability of one of the archipelago's culinary heritage.
"This technology really helps us. Before this fermentation room existed, we often faced problems during the rainy season or high temperatures. "which is too hot, which affects the quality of the tempeh. Now, the results are more consistent and the fermentation time is more measurable," said Poniran, one of the tempeh entrepreneurs at Primkopti Karya Mulya Sidoarjo.[*]
Writer: UNESA PKM Team
Editor: @zam*
Photo: UNESA PKM Team
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