Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya-Surabaya State University (Unesa) plans to implement face-to-face learning hybrid system next semester (odd) academic year 2021/2022. Therefore, all preparations began to be finalized, including designing lecture schemes and implementing health protocols.
One of the preparatory steps, Unesa together with the Crisis Center Mitigation Unit (SMCC) held a National Webinar with the theme "Preparation and Health Protocols for Offline / Hybrid Classes in the Pandemic Period" on (29/05/2021).
This National Webinar presents a series of presenters who are experts in their fields. There is Dr. Sonny Herry B. Harmadi, Head of Behavior Change for the Covid-19 Handling Task Force, also attended Dr. dr. Haridana Indah Setiawati Mahdi, Sp.PD, KAI Specialist in Internal Medicine, Immunology Allergy Consultation, and Yunita Priyoningsih Sub Coordinator for Special Learning of the Ministry of Education and Culture. Besides that, also Prof. Dr. H. Bambang Yulianto, M.Pd. Deputy Chancellor of Unesa for Academic Affairs.
Unesa Chancellor Prof. Dr. H. Nurhasan, M.Kes in his speech said that this activity can increase the enthusiasm of the academic community. In addition, it will get a new, more precise picture of the various aspects needed to welcome offline / hybrid lectures in August 2021. So that the learning system that is applied in the future can run safely, effectively and productively.
“I will always motivate and remind all to continue to be vigilant and be careful to maintain health and always implement 3M. Don't lose discipline in order to take care of yourself and loved ones around us, ”said the man who was called Cak Hasan.
Dr. Sonny Herry B. Harmadi as the first speaker opened the material by exposing the development of the Covid-19 case in Indonesia. The latest data on (28/05/2021) a number of 1,654,557 were confirmed to be cured and now the implementation of phase 1 and 2 vaccinations is also underway. Regarding the reopening of the education sector during the pandemic, there are things that the institution needs to prepare, especially in the application of layered health protocols. and gradually.
He added that the elements of the first program, such as measuring body temperature, were only allowed to enter campus if the body temperature was below 37.3 Celsius. Then set the path like specifying different entrances and exits. Then, the facility aspects such as providing hand washing facilities or handsanitizers, providing spare masks. In addition, it is mandatory to bring your own personal equipment. When you go home, you are advised to clean yourself and the items you use after your activities.
The second element of the prokes is paying attention to the frequency, duration, and learning system. Then the third prokes element, namely paying attention to indoor air circulation, distance and class room capacity is less than 50%. He also talked about mitigating health protocols on campus where it is important to carry out simulated activities, routine tests, limit the number of students, prohibit crowds, and provide health facilities.
On that occasion, Prof. Dr. H. Bambang Yulianto, M.Pd. also delivered material regarding the draft planning for the first semester lecture model for 2021/2022 that will be carried out by Unesa. It is planned that lectures in a hybrid manner run with compositions of approximately 50% face-to-face (offline) and 50% online with various modes agreed between lecturers and students.
Then the priority of students who use the hybrid model (offline and online) are semester 3 students (students who have never studied offline on the Unesa campus), semester 7 (students who will complete their thesis so that the study period is controlled) and semester 1 (new students) .
"But the main thing in the process is the principle of prioritizing the safety and health elements of students, lecturers and staff," he said. Furthermore, the material was also delivered by Dr. dr. Haridana Indah Setiawati Mahdi, Sp.PD, KAI on efforts to reject Covid 19 by increasing immunity and the speaker, Yunita Priyoningsih, about Blended Learning / hybrid learning in the new normal era. (jurist)
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