Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA-Selection of Basic Competencies for Prospective Civil Servants (SKD CPNS) 2021 Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia will begin on Monday, September 20, 2021 and will end on September 30, 2021. The State University of Surabaya (UNESA) is appointed by the National Personnel Agency (BKN) ) as a place for the implementation of the test and at the same time as an activity committee.
Dr. Sulaksono, S.H., M.H., Head of General Affairs and Finance of UNESA said that as many as 11,460 participants took the SKD test. One day there are four sessions attended by 1,200 participants. Session one starts at 06.30-09.40, session two starts at 09.30-12.10, session three starts at 12.00-14.40, and session four starts at 14.30-17.10.
The place for the SKD exam at UNESA, Lidah Wetan Campus, is divided into three locations. Location one is in the Postgraduate Building (CPD Building) UNESA. Location two is in the UNESA LP3 Building. Location three at PPTI UNESA Rectorate Building. The three locations are quite close. Locations one and two are right on the north side or about 50 meters north of the Rectorate Building.
The equipment and necessities that must be considered and brought by participants are, (1) original ID card, (2) examinee card, (3) health declaration form, (4) negative result of SWAB Antigen 1x24 hours, (5) minimum vaccine certificate for the first dose . In addition, participants are also required to (a) bring and wear masks, (b) bring their own writing utensils, (c) mandatory health protocols.
At the test location, the entry flow that participants need to pay attention to is (1) before entering the room the participant passes a body temperature check and washes his hands in the space provided or uses a hand sanitizer. (2) participants leave their bags and all unnecessary items to the committee at the exam location. (3) participants go to the registration area and show the required documents above. (4) Participants go to the PIN giving area. (5) Participants go to the metal detector inspection area. (6) participants go to the waiting area before entering the test room.
Sulaksono emphasized that the participants' rooms and flow schemes were made by taking into account health protocols. The distance arrangements between participants and the feasibility of the room have been checked by the Covid-19 Task Force team and the Unesa Mitigation and Crisis Center (SMCC) Unit. Even before the session starts the waiting room and exam room are sterilized.
He appealed to the participants to pay close attention to the exam schedule, including all the terms, conditions and equipment needed during the test. In addition, participants are required to arrive early at the exam location. “Prepare as well as you can, and take the test to the best of your ability. Hopefully the test can run smoothly and the results are as expected," he hoped. (UNESA PR)
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