Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA-Although face-to-face meetings (PTM) for PAUD level in Surabaya have not been planned. However, teachers must be prepared and equipped in advance. In order to welcome PTM at the PAUD level, UNESA PGPAUD Department held singing training and making children's songs for mothers and fathers at the Surabaya City Integrated PAUD Post last weekend (16/10/2021).
One of the members of the event organizing team, Dra. Nurhenti Dorlina Simatupang, M.Sn stated that the training involved around 40 participants consisting of 38 mothers and 2 women from the Integrated PAUD Post. The activity was carried out over two sessions; morning and afternoon. During the training, together with the presenters, participants were invited to compose a special song for children.
After composing the song, the participants also sing along to the accompaniment of piano notes. As the final task of the session, participants are required to compose a song lyric. "Not songs, but real children's songs, which will later be used to welcome PTM," said Nurhenti. "The singing method makes learning fun and not boring," he continued.
Mother Mutmainnah or who is usually called Bunda Lin as the administrator and one of those who played an important role behind the development of the Surabaya Integrated PAUD Post appreciated the training. With training in making and innovating children's songs, it can encourage creative PAUD educators to make songs and children's songs in Surabaya can be more varied and color the places of learning.
According to him, the world of children's learning is very closely related to playing and singing. Educators must be able and have sensitivity and creativity in that field. "To be creative, of course we must continue to learn and practice," he said.
The song-making training which is part of the PKM PGPAUD UNESA is very important, so that the learning of singing methods is more varied and able to arouse children's motivation in learning. "Especially at the first PTM, the song is important to welcome and give a pleasant impression to the child after spending so long in virtual eyes," he said. [UNESA PR]
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