Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA-After so many years of online lectures, the students of the State University of Surabaya (UNESA) finally experienced face-to-face learning (TPM) on Monday, April 4, 2022. Of course, they had their own stories on the first day of the PTM, ranging from confusion about finding a class to restroom.
However, the students admitted that they were excited to join the lecture. The achievement of Ramadan is one of them. After learning about the implementation of PTM, the UNESA Communication Studies student from Lampung immediately rushed to Surabaya.
“This PTM is quite challenging. Apart from starting right after the fasting month, also because of the different weather conditions in Surabaya and in my hometown, I have to adapt. It's hot and sometimes it rains, fasting again right, makes you weak quickly," he told the PR team.
However, he continued, he admitted that he was happy to be able to feel the PTM atmosphere. You can meet and get to know your classmates directly, you can also hear the material delivered by the lecturer. "Meeting in person is better, of course the feeling is different," he said.
The same thing was also expressed by Nur Fadhilah. For the 2020 student, compared to online lectures, face-to-face provides more learning experiences. Can learn to interact or communicate and get to know each other with campus friends, also more quickly understand the material.
"To understand the material more quickly understand face to face. Online, sometimes there are a lot of distractions (distractions, ed). In essence, the science is more understandable. Because learning is not just listening, but sometimes we need lecturer's gestures to make us understand more," said the Communication Science student from Gresik.
Meanwhile, Vinda Maya S as a lecturer who is also the first to teach offline admitted that there is a difference in the atmosphere compared to teaching online. It was the atmosphere of direct interaction that he had longed for. "Of course we miss this kind of learning atmosphere. I've been online for a long time, suddenly I met her, so I was surprised to see their (students, ed) faces one by one," he said.

In fact, he continued, because this is the first time, many students do not know their classrooms. There are also those who are confused about finding a small room. "There was someone who went around looking for a restroom. After being directed by the campus janitor, I just met him," he said.
Are all study programs at UNESA already PTM? The head of UPT Humas stated that institutionally there was a circular to organize PTM, but everything was left to the agreement of each study program.
"If we in the Communication Studies study program, all of them are PTM, we don't know if there are other study programs, maybe there are still online ones," he explained. "Hopefully the pandemic will end soon and there will be no additional cases, so that PTM will continue and life will return to normal as usual," he hoped. [UNESA PR]
Photo : Personal Documentation
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