Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya–The State University of Surabaya (UNESA) received a visit from the Senate of the State University of Gorontalo (UNG) on the 11th Floor of the Unesa Lidah Wetan Rectorate Building on Thursday (17/6/2021). The visit was in the context of a discussion regarding the alignment of university statutes and the Government Agency Performance Accountability System (SAKIP) at Unesa which this year won two SAKIP champions at the same time within the Ministry of Education and Culture.
On that occasion, from Unesa, Prof. Dr. Bambang Yulianto, M.Pd. as Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, Suprapto, S.Pd., M.T as Vice Chancellor for General Affairs and Finance and also Dr. Sujarwanto, M.Pd. as Vice Chancellor for Planning and Cooperation. In addition, also present Prof. Dr. Haris Supratno, M.Pd as chairman of the Senate, and the ranks of the Deans of Unesa and their staff.
Meanwhile, from the State University of Gorontalo, Prof. Dr. Phil. Ikhfan Haris, M.Sc as the Vice Chancellor for IT and Cooperation and Prof. Dr. Asna Aneta, M.Si Director of Postgraduate. Then there is also Prof. Dr. Herlina Yusuf. M.Kes, FOK dean, and Prof. Dr. Amir Halid. SE., M.Si and their staff.
Ikhfan Haris said that the purpose and objective of the visit was to discuss with Unesa both in terms of university statutes and regarding SAKIP. In addition, it is also to sign a cooperation agreement (PKS) between the Faculty of Sports and Health, State University of Gorontalo and the Faculty of Sports Science, Unesa.
Haris Supratno on that occasion also shared about the history of Unesa from the start of IKIP Surabaya to becoming Unesa as it is today. He also explained about the senate work system at Unesa such as awarding honorary doctorates, Unesa's motto, senate clothing, requirements for senate members and so on.
After the discussion, the event continued with the signing of cooperation and exchanging souvenirs between the two parties. "Hopefully, through this discussion and sharing, we can synergize and advance each other," Suprapto hoped in his speech. (hasna)
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