Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA-The world's political turmoil is heating up. Russia and Ukraine are still at war with each other. The global economy is reeling, prices are rising. In the midst of this situation, the public is trying to measure the role of Indonesia, which was led by Joko Widodo for these two periods. Regarding Indonesia's strategy, UNESA BEM together with experts studied it at the National Seminar at the 11th Floor Auditorium, Lidah Wetan Campus Rectorate Building, Surabaya on Thursday, June 30, 2022.
The seminar entitled "Defense and Free-Active Politics: Reviewing the Strategy & Contribution of Jokowi's Government in Facing World Political Turbulence" was attended by approximately 200 participants. Dwi Ardiansyah, President of BEM UNESA in his speech said that the theme presented was a form of representation of the world of politics, both national and global, running. "We hope that this seminar will shed light on what Indonesia has done and what strategies should be carried out in the future," he said.
The speaker, Mauli Fikr, M.IP., Intra-Public Political Observer said that free and active politics is a very good topic, because it talks about the management of Indonesian defense and the extent of Indonesia's international political performance.
This is a note not only for the two institutions that are stakeholders, namely the Indonesian Ministry of National Defense and the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, but also encourage the public to see the extent to which the success of the programs of all ministries in Indonesia in maintaining national stability.
In addition, it is also an indicator of how Indonesia is attractive in the tourism, natural energy, and human resources sectors in a global context because this is a shared responsibility. Indonesia must be proactive, to what extent diplomatic activities can benefit Indonesia. “That is what is called Independent in the international context. And Independent means that there are limitations in principle, Pancasila must be an instrument of diplomacy, what is the problem? And what is the target of our diplomacy today," he said.
He advised that students' main task is to carry out the tridharma of higher education which is a noble task. But keep in mind, noble tasks must be done in a balanced way. It cannot only be done downstream, it also needs to be practiced upstream. Then it is also important to provide policy assistance as a form of upstream implementation.
“In the downstream, for example, doing community service, community service, it is also the implementation of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education. He hopes that students are not only at one point, students must be in the middle as a balancer. If there is a policy, there must be an impact, because the policy is biased. That's why students have a big responsibility to advocate for policies and assist the community," he explained.
At the end of the activity, the moderator conveys the conclusions that can be drawn by students who are agents of change. Politics is not only synonymous with allotment of seats, sharing of power or exchanging partnerships and seats, but politics must have a good impact on the achievement of national ideals. Don't be a student who is afraid to take sides. In another sense, they are not afraid to take risks in fighting for the truth. [UNESA PR]
Author: Nabila Arum
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
Photo : Unesa Public Relations Reporter Documentation
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