Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA - The Student Executive Board (BEM) of the Faculty of Languages and Arts (FBS) Universitas Negeri Surabaya (UNESA) held a National Advocacy Webinar: Move Critically, Grow an Attitude to Advocacy online on May 24, 2022. Around 100 students throughout Indonesia attended the activity.
This activity was attended by the Deputy Dean for Student Affairs, Syafi'ul Anam, Ph.D, Chair of the UNESA FBS BEM, Lukman Hadi Wibowo and two resource persons namely Amirah Ghaida Dayanara, S.Ip who is the youngest DPRD member in Batu City for the 2018-2024 period and Dwi Ardiansyah , President of the UNESA BEM for the 2022 period and the main achieving student 2, 2021 from the Faculty of Education (FIP).
Amirah Ghaida Dayanara explained that one thing that cannot be lost from youth is a critical spirit. This critical spirit is not only directed to the outside, criticizing various conditions, policies and so on, but also including being critical of oneself.
There are 5 ways to think critically, namely by understanding perspective carefully, doubting something that is considered true, testing the truth, proving wrong or contradiction, and also building a new perspective. “Critical is of course with a constructive purpose, not to vilify or bring down other people. Besides being critical, youth must also be creative and innovative," he said.
"Give me 1000 parents, I will surely uproot Semeru from the roots. And give me 10 youths, I will surely shake the world," Amirah shouted quoting Bung Karno's words.
Dwi Ardiansyah said that advocacy cannot be arbitrary, there are several things that must be avoided, one of which is the ego of the profession to cause divisions among students.
Advocacy, he continued, consists of several kinds. There is self-advocacy, which is advocacy that is carried out on a local and even very personal scale. So other people don't necessarily know. Case advocacy is advocacy carried out to assist individuals or groups who have not been able to defend themselves. And, class advocacy is carried out to urge public policy with the ultimate goal of realizing systematic change. (UNESA PR)
Author: Haliza
Editor: @zam*
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