unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA - The Ministry of Youth and Sports of the Republic of Indonesia (Kemenpora RI) appointed the State University of Surabaya (UNESA) as a place for screening, coaching and training national athletes. This was conveyed directly by Menpora Zainudin Amali during a review and assessment of UNESA readiness at the Lidah Wetan Campus on Wednesday, March 16, 2022.
Zainudin Amali added that currently his party is concentrating on the implementation of the National Sports Grand Design (D BON) which begins with the search for seeds for Indonesian athletes. He believes that Indonesia has abundant and untapped sports talent. Therefore, his party began to accommodate and capture sports talent from an early age.

In addition, it also began to prepare a coaching and education center for athletes. There are 10 centers prepared, East Java is one of them. "We directly connected East Java with universities, finally our choice was UNESA. We chose UNESA because it has become a repository for outstanding athletes and coaches, has qualified human resources, complete infrastructure and sports science. Improving sports performance cannot rely on talent alone, but is based on sport science," he said.
Around 250 thousand grade 1 junior high school students throughout Indonesia, he continued, will be selected in stages. This is a potential talent base to produce national superior athletes on the world stage. The athletes who are captured are really prepared to be the 'engine' of national sports achievements in the international arena. "Our target is to increase the world ranking in both the Olympic and Paralympic Games and it continues to be projected," he said.

Indonesia's target is, in 2021–2024, it can be ranked 30th and 40th in the world at the 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games. In 2025–2029, Indonesia can move up to the 20th and top 30 positions at the 2028 Olympic and Paralympic Games, respectively. By 2030 –2034, the target is to enter the top 10 at the 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games. Then, in 2035–2039, the target is Indonesia to be ranked 8th in the world at the 2036 Olympic and Paralympic Games and to enter the world's top five in 2040–2044.
Meanwhile, UNESA Chancellor Prof. Dr. Nurhasan, M.Kes., said that it was time for all stakeholders to join hands to improve national sports achievements. According to him, this is not the task of the government alone, but a collective task. “From the start, we fully supported the steps of the Minister of Youth and Sports until the arrival of DBON. UNESA has also prepared everything for the nursery of national athletes. Previously, our campus was also a training center for East Java athletes before going to PON Papua. Everything is here, there are dormitories, the facilities are of international standard," he explained.
"Earlier, the Minister of Youth and Sports has also been around and seen everything, from the dormitory, the field, the labschool and others," he added. According to him, as a place for developing national athletes, UNESA can make a big contribution to the progress of Indonesian sports. In addition, it is also a form of commitment with all stakeholders to improve sports achievements in the country. [UNESA PR]
Author : Saputra
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