Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA-The State University of Surabaya (UNESA) was appointed by the Ministry of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration (Kemendesa PDTT) as one of the higher education institutions for implementing the Village Past Learning Recognition program (RPL Desa). In addition, there is also UNY. The two campuses are implementing the first wave of Village RPL which will start in March.
This was conveyed directly by the Head of the Human Resources Development and Community Empowerment Agency, Kemendes PDTT, Prof. Dr. Luthfiyah Nurlaela, M.Pd., during her working visit to UNESA on Friday (11/02/2021).
Many Relevant Study Programs at UNESA
Prof. Luthfiyah explained that the appointment was based on the track record of UNESA and UNY who previously had experience in the same program, RPL. Plus, UNESA has various study programs that are considered relevant in the village apparatus development program.
“This program is for human resources involved in village governance. Besides UNESA and UNY, the next wave of eight other universities will also participate,” he explained.
He continued, the P5MD RPL program (Improvement of Education for Development Actors and Community Empowerment through Recognition of Past Learning) or RPL Desa is an effort by the Ministry ofDes to improve the quality of human resources in the village.
The program is a collaboration between the Kemendesa PDTT with relevant ministries and the Higher Education Forum for the Village (Pertides) which will target village heads, village officials, members of village consultative bodies, village BUM managers, professional assistants, and village community empowerment activists.
"Through this program, we encourage village officials to take education to the S-1 or D-4, S-2 and S-3 levels through the RPL scheme," he said at the coordination meeting.
Village HR; 131 Thousand High School Graduates and 86 Thousand Undergraduate Graduates
Based on the data, there are 44,767 villages, 46,983 village secretaries, 31,147 village BUM administrators and 8,241 professional assistants who are high school graduates. Thus, there are at least 131,138 actors of development and empowerment of rural communities who need to be educated to a bachelor's level (S-1).
Then, there are 19,441 village heads, 24,470 village secretaries, 15,477 village administrators and 26,977 assistants who are graduates of S-1 or D-4. So, there are at least 86,365 actors of development and empowerment of rural communities who need to continue their education to the postgraduate level or S-2.
"The purpose of this program is to provide recognition of the learning achievements obtained by development actors and village community empowerment," he said.
During the meeting, it was also discussed that the RPL Desa program was implemented under a scholarship scheme. The Kemendesa PDTT has even coordinated with regents and mayors to collaborate in preparing the Village RPL scholarship budget scheme. The district or city government will work closely with local universities.
Cak Hasan Prepares Resources
Meanwhile, UNESA Chancellor Prof. Dr. Nurhasan, M.Kes., stated that UNESA is ready to implement the RPL Desa collaboration with the Kemendesa PDTT. According to him, the collaboration is in line with the Mendikbudristek program to advance human resources in various sectors and down to the village.
"We welcome this program. This is a cool breakthrough. Therefore, we have prepared the best resources and learning packages to carry out this collaborative program wholeheartedly," said Cak Hasan.
He hoped that the RPL Desa program would not only add titles to those involved in village administration. However, it is also to realize smarter, more effective and innovative village governance according to the potentials that exist in the village. "Seeing the existing potential and our commitment to cooperation, it is time for breakthroughs and innovations to come from the village for Indonesia to grow and progress," said Cak Hasan.
The coordination meeting was attended by the Head of the Human Resources Development and Community Empowerment Agency, Kemendesa PDTT, Prof. Dr. Luthfiyah Nurlaela, M.Pd., and her staff. From UNESA was attended by the Chancellor Prof. Nurhasan, M.Kes., Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Prof. Bambang Yulianto, M.Pd. In addition, there is also Prof. Dr. Yoyon Suryono, M.S., Dr. H. Bachtiar Syaiful Bachri, M.Pd., and all related staff. [UNESA PR]
Author: Hasna
Editor: @zam*
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