Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA-In supporting the implementation of the Village Past Learning Recognition program (RPL Desa), the synergy between the Ministry of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration (Kemendes PDTT) and the State University of Surabaya (UNESA) must continue to be improved. For this reason, the Public Relations Bureau of the Kemendes PDTT and UPT Humas UNESA held a coordination meeting on Tuesday, April 19, 2022 in the 2nd Floor Meeting Room, LP3 Building, Lidah Wetan Campus, Surabaya.
One of the things discussed at the meeting was the publication of the RPL program and the coordination of the Higher Education for Village forums (Pertides). Head of LP3 UNESA, Dr. Bachtiar Syaiful Bachri, M.Pd., said that UNESA as one of the universities organizing RPL Desa is ready to assist in the success of the program.
He continued, RPL Desa students have been running for 3 weeks since last March 30. "Village RPL lectures use the Problem Based Learning method, where students discuss projects that will be carried out according to problems in the village, don't forget the lecturers record the lectures via zoom so that there is evidence of the learning process in accordance with the goals achieved," said the Curriculum Expert. that.

He hopes that there will be other classes after the first wave of the village RPL program. Of course, village activists do not only acquire humanities such as accounting, management, and administration. However, there are also other study programs that are ready to build villages, such as vocational engineering in electrical engineering and vocational education in hydropower.
“Activists in the village are actually professional workers. However, they do not have evidence of formal education in demonstrating their abilities, so it is necessary for the authorities to recognize their competence. So in the future, it is hoped that other classes will be opened, many prospective students can show their competence and can be accepted to study, "he said.
Windy from the Public Relations Bureau of the Kemendes PDTT said that to support the publication, his party will make a compilation video of activities during the Recognition of Past Village Learning (RPL Desa) program. Of course, asking for documentation of activities held by UNESA Public Relations from the initial launch to the process.
“The goal is to attract the trust of partners to work together to develop this program so that it requires some photos or video documentation. Then we want to know how the public responds and the news of the launch has been spread everywhere," he said.
The Head of UNESA Public Relations Unit, Vinda Maya Setianingrum, S.Sos., M.A., said that for this purpose. His party supports them by helping to prepare documentation in the form of photos and videos starting from the opening, the first RPL meeting, while at Graha including debriefing. “The response we received was quite good. There are incoming calls from other regions who also want to join. Dissemination of news has been carried out by means of press releases, broadcast on JTV, Suara Suara Surabaya, Kompas, and Jawa Pos as well as other media,” he explained. [UNESA PR]
Author : Esti
Editor: @zam*
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