Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya–In an effort to improve the ability and competence of students, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic, Unesa Career Center organizes a Certified Student Internship Program 2021 (PMMB) Batch 1 for students of the seventh semester S-1 program and the fifth semester D-3 program.
Registration for the program ended on February 10, 2021. Out of the 487 participants who signed up, there were 389 participants who managed to pass the internal selection stage. Based on the match up of The Certified Student Internship Program (PMMB) by the Indonesian Human Capital Forum (FHCI) held on February 14-22, 2021, only 11 participants were selected. They are students based in Gresik, Surabaya, and Pasuruan.
Selected participants will undergo an internship for six months at six state-owned enterprises (SOEs) in accordance with the participant's domicile address. "Participants who pass one of the arrivals is their respective ID card addresses, so that they can be close and facilitate the internship process," said Salamun Rohman Nudin, S.Kom., M.Kom., chairman of Unesa Career Center.
Salamun added that the internship program is one of the first steps of UNESA to support the implementation of the Merdeka Belajar curriculum and Merdeka Campus. The advantages of the program include the acquisition of certificates and pocket money for participants. "What we hope is that the excellence of the program is certainly not just that, but how participants or students can learn to the maximum, develop their potential, and improve their competence with professional people in their respective internships," he said.
The participants received were Danang Ardiyanto and Arsy Bilahi Tama from Informatics Engineering; Risma Megadini, Ayu Wulan Suci and Naura Firdaus Haidar from Visual Communication Design; Selly Erisha of Law; Novita Cahyani and Ahmad Affandi majoring in Informatics and Computer Engineering Education; Amalia Fitri majoring in Psychology; Rakha Fikri Ramadhan and Rezki Dwy Putra from the department of Information Systems. (hasna/zam)
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