Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA -A total of 619 students of the 2022 Village Recognition of Past Learning (RPL) program attended a public lecture at Graha UNESA on Wednesday, March 30, 2022. The hundreds of students were village heads, village officials, village BUM administrators, village assistants and village activists from 419 villages in the Regency Bojonegoro who has passed the 2022 Village RPL selection at the State University of Surabaya (UNESA).
RPL Desa is a program of the Ministry of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration (Kemendesa PDTT) in collaboration with the Bojonegoro Regency Government (Pemkab), UNESA and UNY. The student receives a scholarship and will study four semesters or two years.
Abdul Halim Iskandar, Minister of Villages of PDTT said that this program was presented to encourage village progress. Therefore, it should not be considered a joke. Moreover, it is considered as a formality to get a bachelor's degree. He emphasized that participants must really take advantage of the opportunity to study and improve their competence so that they support their duties and responsibilities in the village.
"Don't make this a mere dismissal of tasks. Learn the right thing and then the knowledge will be implemented to bring about change and progress in the village," he said.
His party will continue to oversee and monitor to ensure the quality of the program, the quality of the process and the quality of graduates. "I together with the Chancellor of UNESA and UNY and the Regent of Bojonegoro will continue to oversee so that quality is maintained and students can pass according to their qualifications," said Gus Halim.
RPL is based on several principles including; the legality of higher education in this case the selected campus is a state university plus it has a track record and quality; and the legality of students who of course pass a rigorous selection, from interviews to portfolios. Of the 881 who applied, only 619 were accepted.
“The launch of the RPL Desa is for the undergraduate program first. This means that later there will be a Village RPL for S-2 or S-3, which we are still discussing with many parties. What is clear, for S-2 and S-3 are for village apparatus and activists who excel," he explained.

Chancellor and Regent's Hope
Meanwhile, UNESA Chancellor Prof. Dr. Nurhasan, M.Kes., said that the Village RPL program at UNESA and UNY by the Kemendesa PDTT and the Bojonegoro Regency Government was a national pilot. For lectures, his party has prepared a special learning scheme for the RPL Desa students. "The lectures are special, the assistants are special and the lecturers are special," he said.
These hundreds of students took five study programs; There are 291 undergraduate students in State Administration, 98 students in Management, 75 students in Sociology, 29 students in Out-of-school Education, and 126 students in Accounting.
The Chancellor hopes that the program can improve the quality of human resources in the village, encourage the acceleration and equitable distribution of village development starting from Bojonegoro. “After college, apply knowledge in their respective villages. Color the village with creativity and innovation towards advanced and superior villages," concluded Cak Hasan.
The Regent of Bojonegoro, Dr. Anna Mu'awanah hopes that this will be a good start for village officials and activists in advancing villages towards Bojonegoro and East Java which are advanced for a superior Indonesia. “This is a good program. I hope that the participants will not only become scholars, but become locomotives of change and pioneers of transformation in their villages,” he hoped.
Participant Says
M. Rofiqul A'la, as the Head of Welfare of Talun Village, Sumberejo District, Bojonegoro admitted that he was grateful to be accepted as a student in the program. For him, this is a golden opportunity to learn to improve understanding and competence which can later be used in his village. "I will attend this lecture as well as I can, learn a lot so that later I can develop potential and fix problems in the village," he said after the event.
The activity was attended by the ranks of the Kemendesa PDTT, Bojonegoro Regency Government, UNESA leaders from the rectorate to faculties and departments. The activity was coupled with a public lecture and ended with the awarding of awards by the Kemendesa PDTT to the parties involved in the success of the program, in this case the Regent of Bojonegoro, the Chancellor of UNESA and the Chancellor of UNY. [UNESA PR]
Author: Riska Umami and Hasna
Editor: @zam*
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