Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya–The Student Association of the Department (HMJ) of Early Childhood Education Teacher Education (PG-PAUD) Faculty of Education (FIP), UNESA held a national webinar entitled "Reactualization of the Identity of PG-PAUD Students towards a Generation of Reformers and Characters" on Saturday (31/07/ 2021).
The resource persons presented at the event were Dewi Mayang Sari, M.Psi., Lecturer of PG-PAUD Study Program at Trunojoyo Madura University, Muhammad Reza, S.Psi., M.Psi., Lecturer of PG-PAUD UNESA., and Eka Cahya MSPd ., M.Pd.
Heryanto Susilo, S.Pd., M.Pd., Deputy Dean for Student Affairs and Alumni FIP UNESA in his speech said that being a student must be able to survive in any situation and condition. "If education in a nation is good, then we can be sure that the character of the nation will also be good," he said.
Meanwhile, Secretary of the PG-PAUD Study Program, Nurul Khotimah, S.Pd., M.Pd., said that the webinar can improve and broaden horizons and form a supportive and innovative character. "Helping PG-PAUD students in self-actualization further and adaptive to existing changes," he said. "In order to be adaptive, of course, in a dynamic and progressive way in learning and continuing to learn where and with anyone," he continued.
Muhammad Reza on that occasion conveyed about the role of early childhood teachers in forming great Indonesian people. “As PAUD teachers, we must have values, pride or pride in the profession. Indonesia will be great when the early childhood we will teach become successful children," he added.
In line with that, Dewi Mayang Sari explained that being a PAUD teacher must have certain competencies, especially personality competencies as teachers. In addition, as a PAUD teacher, you must also have a consistent and independent nature in acting. “Especially in this pandemic era, which is mostly done by myself, such as making lesson plans, as well as learning models that are suitable for children. Anyway, teachers must be creative and innovative in designing fun learning situations for students,” he said. (Nov/zam)
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