Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA–Registration for college is getting closer, SMA and SMK are starting to visit favorite campuses where students will continue their studies. As Kanjeng Sepuh Sidayu Gresik High School did, for example, as many as 31 class XII students and 8 accompanying teachers visited UNESA on Thursday, January 20, 2022.
The group was welcomed by the Admissions Unit and Public Relations Unit on the 4th Floor, T14 Building, Faculty of Language and Arts, UNESA Lidah Wetan Campus. On that occasion, a representative from a counseling teacher at Kanjeng Sepuh Sidayu Gresik High School, Basori, said that the visit was intended to accommodate information related to the registration and lecture system at UNESA.
That way, the school has references and standards in preparing their students so that they can pass and study at UNESA. In addition, information and insight about the champions' campuses can increase students' motivation to learn. "Thank you for this warm welcome, we hope that later the students can be motivated to study and prepare themselves to win seats to enter here (UNESA, ed)," he said.
The Head of UNESA Public Relations Unit, Vinda Maya Setianingrum, S.Sos., M.A., conveyed some information about the profile of UNESA and the departments with the highest stringency in each faculty. "UNESA currently has an A accreditation. Similar to other institutions and institutions, accreditation is one of the achievements that must be maintained in order to maintain the quality and image of the campus in the eyes of the public," he said.
Awang Dharmawan, S.Ikom., M.A., as the Admissions Unit Team of the State University of Surabaya said that the entry paths that can be taken to be able to study at UNESA include SNMPTN, SBMPTN, and SPMB. In his presentation, he conveyed information related to strategies and opportunities to become a UNESA student.
“In managing the independent path, we are more flexible by holding several special and achievement pathways that will provide flexibility for friends who have good potential and can compete with fellow achievement owners. For example, religious achievements and sports," he explained.
UNESA will significantly increase its quota in new student admissions this year. That way UNESA will be easier to reach for students who want to continue their studies at State Universities. [UNESA PR]
Reporter: Amalia
Editor: @zam*
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