Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA-A total of 42 students and 5 teachers at Mutiara Bunda High School, Bandung visited the State University of Surabaya (UNESA) on Wednesday, March 23, 2022. The group was welcomed by the Admissions Unit and UNESA Public Relations UPT at the Sixth Floor LPPM Auditorium, Lidah Wetan Campus Rectorate Building, Surabaya.
A teacher representative from Mutiara Bunda High School, Intan Nurlaelah, S.Pd., said that the purpose and objective of the visit was to get to know UNESA more closely, the campus atmosphere, its excellence, study programs including the admission path.
“We want to introduce students to campuses outside Bandung or West Java which also have no less good quality. That's why we submitted an application to UNESA," he said.
Awang Dharmawan, S.Ikom., M.A. as the Head of the New Student Admissions Division of the UNESA Admissions Unit stated that campus socialization activities like this are increasingly being encouraged to increase knowledge for students who want to continue their studies to college.
“We are happy to welcome visits like this, so we can introduce UNESA directly to teachers and students. If you want to register here, you will understand the campus situation, the admission route to the capacity and competition," he said.

Meanwhile, Vinda Maya Setianingrum, S.Sos. M.A., Head of UPT Humas UNESA said that currently UNESA has 7 faculties that oversee 74 study programs (prodi). Some time ago, he continued, LTMPT had just held SNMPTN and UNESA was ranked fourth in Indonesia as the campus with the highest number of registrants, 30,389 participants.
“Seeing the high interest of young people in various regions to continue their studies in higher education. So even though the demand is high, the quota is also increased so that the opportunity to be accepted at UNESA is still open," he explained.

After the question and answer session and discussion, UNESA and Mutiara Bunda High School exchanged souvenirs. Then, the students went on a tour around the campus guided by the sons and daughters of UNESA. From the rectorate's yard, they followed faculty to faculty using bicycles that had been prepared. Then proceed to the Merdeka Learning Lab to sports facilities. [UNESA PR]
Author: Nabila arum
Editor: @zam*
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