Unesa.ac.id., SURABAYA-
The war on drugs should not be half-hearted. Prevention measures must continue to be improved and massively scaled from the center to the regions and even to the villages. The Anti-Drug Task Force needs to be formed, expanded and strengthened. For this reason, the Crisis Center Mitigation Unit (SMCC) of the State University of Surabaya (UNESA) together with the National Narcotics Agency of East Java Province (BNNP Jatim) held an Anti-Drug Task Force Training at the 11th Floor Auditorium, Rectorate Building, Lidah Wetan Campus, Surabaya on Monday, 27 June 2022. .
The training was attended by dozens of student participants from various study programs, faculties and activity units within UNESA. Head of SMCC UNESA Dr. Diana Rahmasari, S.Psi., M.Sc., said that UNESA has been trusted to be one of the BERSINAR (drug-clean) campuses by BNN. This training aims to strengthen the role of the task force in carrying out prevention on and off campus.
"We have committed to carry out various activities such as webinars, election of anti-drug ambassadors, and even we have also educated during UTBK which of course aims to prevent drug abuse in the campus and surrounding areas," he said.
Based on the results of his dissertation research, he added that education is very important as a wall of self-defense for students so that they do not easily fall into wrong associations and drug entanglements. “If they have received education, students have a kind of strong self-defense. They are not easily affected even though they are in a vulnerable environment,” he said.
Mohammad Latif Hermanto, S.H., M.H., from the East Java BNNP explained that Indonesia is still a "heaven" for drug trafficking. Circulation is still high and targets various ages. This is made worse by the selling price which is quite low compared to prices in other countries. “The price is cheap, there are many routes that make the circulation faster. This route was caught by the officers, and other routes appeared. This is our work together," he said.

Why do people abuse drugs so easily? According to Eka Teguh, SH., this is due to many factors, including the social environment and drug consumption as a new trend in society. Even the trend of narcotics abuse has shifted to teenagers, especially students to strengthen their bodies to continue working. “So that is a picture of a syndicate to influence students to want to try which will lead to dependence. Once you try, you will keep trying until you get addicted," he explained.
He also added that the East Java BNNP has an electronic-based service information system related to complaints and rehabilitation called SIMPEL that can be accessed by the public. This service system is expected to reduce the number of drug trafficking and abuse. The public can directly complain, report or consult to the East Java BNNP in a practical and simple way as the name implies. This training was attended by 37 invited guests from various circles. There are students, lecturers, and the UNESA academic community. [UNESA PR]
Author: Mohammad Dian P
Editor: @zam Alasiah
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