Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA–Ahead of Ramadan, the government has accelerated the administration of three booster doses of vaccine in all regions. Last Wednesday and today (30-31 March 2022), Surabaya State University together with Made Health Center, Surabaya held a booster vaccine for the UNESA academic community. The vaccination was held at the UNESA LP3 Building, Lidah Wetan Campus, Surabaya.
Head of SMCC, Dr. Diana Rahmasari, S.Psi.,M.Sc., said that on the first day, there were 600 doses provided. While for the second day there were about 300 doses injected. "Apparently, the enthusiasm of the community is quite high, the first day the dose runs out before noon, therefore we are preparing again today for 300 doses," he said.
He continued, the vaccination is intended to increase the immunity of the academic community so that they are not easily exposed to pandemics or viruses that threaten health. In addition, it is also a preparation for UNESA to welcome the implementation of limited face-to-face lectures (hybrid) as well as the tradition of going home for Eid. "Especially to increase immunity, then because it is related to hybrid rules, PPm and conditions for going home," he added.
Vaccination is deliberately accelerated before entering the holy month of Ramadan, so as not to interfere with fasting. However, for people who still want to vaccinate during the fasting month, they can directly register the vaccination at the puskesmas that provide it. "For your immune system, so you can stay healthy and go anywhere you can. However, yes, the progress is still important," said Muatiroh, one of the vaccine recipients. [UNESA PR]
Author: Hasna
Editor: @zam*
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