Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA-Surabaya State University (UNESA) is intensively cooperating with various educational institutions in various countries. This is a form of his commitment after holding PTN BH status and heading to a world class university or WCU. One of the efforts is to hold UNIFUR (Unesa's International Forum of University Rectors) 2022 at the 11th Floor Auditorium, Rectorate Building, Lidah Wetan Campus, Surabaya, on Thursday, December 8 2022.
UNIFUR is an annual activity in the Planning and Cooperation Division of UNESA which involves university leaders in various countries. In this 3rd year, university leaders or experts who were involved as main speakers in plenary sessions and guest speakers in focus group discussions (FGD), namely Prof. Dr. Bettina Amrhein, professor from Education at the University of Duisburg, Germany, Prof. Diah Ayu Maharani, Ph.D., Educational and Cultural Attache-Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in Washington D.C., USA, and Mr. Khairul Munadi Educational Attache-Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in London, UK.
Besides that, Prof. Dr. Ir. Aisyah Endah Palupi, M.Pd., Educational Attache-Embassy of The Republic of Indonesia in Manila, The Philippines., Yudil Chatim., Educational and Cultural Attache-Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in Beijing, People's Republic of China, and Luh Anik Mayani, Ph.D., Educational Attache-Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in Paris, France, and Yayat Hendayana Coordinator of Public Relations and Cooperation of the Directorate General of Higher Education who represents the Director General of Higher Education.
The Head of the Committee, Asrori said that the total number of universities involved was around 50 institutions from 15 countries. Some of them became presenters in several discussion sessions and FGDs. This event, he continued, was one of UNESA's efforts to expand and strengthen cooperation with institutions in various countries.
"After becoming PTN BH, international cooperation became one of our demands. UNIFUR includes media to meet with international partners to exchange ideas and information regarding what has been done, including innovations on campus or in their respective countries, "said the head of the UNESA Office of International Affairs (KUI).
Through international cooperation, many programs can be carried out together in the future, including student and lecturer exchanges, research collaborations and scientific publications including classes or summer courses. Apart from that, there is also collaboration in holding international forums to discuss current issues at global level such as the global crisis, education, including the role of universities in it.

World Class University
UNESA Deputy Chancellor for Planning and Cooperation Dr. Sujarwanto, M.Pd., said, in accordance with the theme of Enhancing Universities' G20 Involvement to Achieve World Class University, this year the forum discussed G20 issues including the three priority sectors discussed in it such as strengthening global health architecture, energy transition and digital transformation. "So, what is the role of higher education institutions and what can be collaborated with in the future. That's what we're discussing now," he said.
The direction of strengthening international cooperation is as a way to become a world class university or WCU. Because, by working together, his party can conduct joint research and publications which of course can be an added value to increase UNESA's ranking at the world level.
He continued, the aspects of collaboration that are superior to UNESA are not far from their leading fields, namely education, sports, arts and disabilities. Well, one thing that UNESA encourages through international cooperation is to increase shared awareness to provide quality services or accessibility to persons with disabilities. "Therefore, we launched UNESA-DIMETRIC (Disability Inclusion Metrics) as a ranking forum for universities in the world in terms of disability services," he explained.
Creating a 'SETARA' Campus
UNESA-DIMETRIC, continued Sujarwanto, has a mission to create a SETARA (sustainable, equality, accountable and responsible) campus in the world. This ranking was launched on 15 August 2022 which was attended by the Indonesian Ministry of Youth and Sport Zainudin Amali then entered the registration stage for institutions in the world and today is the awarding. "Hopefully all educational institutions in the world are motivated to jointly create a friendly environment for persons with disabilities," he concluded.
Representing the chancellor, Prof. Dr. Bambang Yulianto, M.Pd., said that UNESA's commitment after PTN BH was to improve quality in all aspects including international cooperation as a way of internationalizing the program. "Being a PTN BH is not easy, including going to WCU, but with our commitment together, everything can be achieved step by step. Starting from UNIFUR, we are strengthening cross-country cooperation," said the UNESA Deputy Chancellor for Academic Affairs.
Meanwhile, Yayat Hendayana, Coordinator of Public Relations and Cooperation of the Directorate General of Higher Education and Research and Technology appreciated the holding of UNIFUR which could strengthen international cooperation and encourage universities in Indonesia including UNESA to become WCU. In order to become a world-standard campus, there are several instruments that must be met, including those relating to lecturers, research and student affairs.
"Being a WCU apart from internal campus efforts such as UNESA through this event, we also from the Directorate General of Higher Education encourage and provide scholarship assistance for lecturers from Masters to Doctoral degrees. So that lecturers at UNESA who are still masters can continue their doctoral studies. Doctoral lecturers are an added value or barometer for UNESA to collaborate, research and publish which are important points for ranking world campuses," he explained.
In addition, his party has a funding program, one of which is the IISMA (Indonesian International Student Mobility Awards) to encourage students to study or seek experience at foreign institutions. Even though it is only one semester, this program can be an addition to UNESA in terms of the number of students who are active outside foreign campuses. Then research funding through DIPA and LPDP. "This is a manifestation of the government's commitment to encourage tertiary institutions, including UNESA, to become WCUs," he said.

MoU with International Partners
Through UNIFUR, UNESA also signed a memorandum of understanding or MoU with a number of institutions including, 1) Sibling Academy of Quality Education, Pakistan, 2) Singapore University of Social Sciences, (SUSS), Singapore, 3) Nanyang Polytechnic International (NYPi) , Singapore, 4) Universidade Oriental de Timor Lorosa'e (UNITAL), Timor Leste, 5) National Taiwan Ocean University (NTOU), Taiwan, 6) South East Asia Minister of Education Organization Regional Center for Early Childhood Care Education and Parenting ( SEAMEO CECCEP), Indonesia, and 7) Chaudhary Devi Lal University (CDLU), India.
In order to appreciate the cross-university collaboration that has been carried out so far, UNESA has also given awards or Partnership Excellence Awards to a number of institutions such as The University of York, United Kingdom, King Mongkut University of Technology North Bangkok, Thailand, Tarlac Agricultural University, The Philippines, University Technology Malaya, Malaysia, University of Newcastle, Australia and UK Embassy. [UNESA PR]
Reporters: Fadinah/Hasna
Editor: @zam Alasah*
Photo: UNESA Public Relations Team Documentation
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