Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya-One of the higher education ranking agencies around the world, Scimago Institutions Rankings (SIR) recently released a list of the best campuses in Indonesia and the world in 2021. Surabaya State University (Unesa) was included in the list, ranking 15th as the best campus in Indonesia. Indonesia and entered the Best Quartile Q1 or category one. While at the world level, Unesa is ranked 736th. There are three indicators used by SIR in the ranking, namely research, innovation and societal. As for the ranking details obtained by Unesa, namely, research ranking is in 10th place, innovation is in 19th place, and societal is in 14th place.
Unesa Chancellor Prof. Dr. Nurhasan, M.Kes appreciated Unesa's achievement in making it to the list of the 20 best universities in Indonesia. He also thanked all levels, from the rector to the department and study program for their commitment, hard work and cooperation so that gradually they could reap good results.
He added, Unesa's achievements in 2021 should be a motivation for the entire Unesa academic community in improving performance achievements in research, publication, innovation and community service. It is time for Unesa to open up to all forms of opportunities and global demands. Unesa must also continue to improve and at the same time continue to improve the quality in various fields, so that it can become a World Class University.
"To become a world-class campus, what must be done is to improve the standards of research and scientific publications both in quality and quantity. Our innovation must also go international. Likewise with international cooperation which we must continue to improve, "he said.
The man who is usually called Cak Hasan said that this year's ranking must be maintained in the future. Even in the next ranking, Unesa must be able to go up again. He admitted that it was not an easy job, but it was also not impossible for Unesa to be able to make it happen.
"If we have the intention, there is determination, our commitment is strong, and serious efforts, it will be very possible for Unesa to continue to rise in the rankings both nationally and internationally," he said excitedly. "This ranking is very important for us (Unesa, red), it makes it easy in all things, international cooperation becomes easier, the global network is wider, and international programs are abundant, if that's the case, of course Human Resources and Unesa can be more advanced and superior . The point is we are after quality and ranking, "he concluded. (Public Relations of Unesa)
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