Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya-Being a World Class University is one of the targets that is being pursued by The State University of Surabaya. All requirements are slowly starting to be met, from international accreditation, international cooperation to international scientific publications that must be improved both in quality and quantity.
In order to increase the number and impact of international scientific publications, Unesa held a virtual public lecture entitled "Hight Impact Publication and World Class University Ranking" on Thursday, April 1, 2021. Present as speakers, Muhammad Miftahussurur, dr.M.Kes., Sp.PD-KGEH., Ph.D, FINASIM, Vice Rector for Internationalization, Digitalization and Information of Airlangga University. As moderator is Nadi Suprapto, S.Pd., M.Pd., Ph.D.
Need Determination and The Right Strategy
Rector of Surabaya State University Prof. Dr. Nurhasan., M.kes in his speech revealed that the public lecture is Unesa's commitment to the rating of international campuses. According to him, scientific publications are not limited to the obligations of educators, but play an important role in the development of science and technology.
Nurhasan recognizes that realizing the quality of international scientific publications is not as easy as turning the palm. It needs the commitment of institutions and educators, there must be targets, it needs collaboration, and it needs to be given special attention from all parties as well as the culture of the supportive academic environment. "Unesa has a target and is encouraged by the Minister of Education and Culture (Nadiem Anwar Makarim, red) to become a world class university," he said.
Therefore, nurhasan continued, in recent years, Unesa is eager to achieve indicators that include aspects of quality research, education and teaching, graduates and infrastructure. "Achieving those targets and indicators, of course Unesa needs a strong determination and the right strategy," said Nurhasan. Through this agenda, Rector Unesa pays attention and hopes that the experience shared by the resource person can be a motivation, inspiration, and strategy for Unesa in improving international scientific publications.
Meanwhile, Muhammad Miftahussurur opened his presentation by inviting all campuses in East Java to have the same dream to truly become a World Class University. Not only numbers or ratings, but also quality that is truly of international standard.
The man, who owns 74 manuscripts of the Scopus publication, asked one key question. Is it true that publications in top journals, citation impact, and international collaboration can affect the World Class University Ranking? He insists that these three things have a big influence.
He stressed that if the goal is to achieve an international reputation, it must certainly meet international standards that are recognized together as indicators. Some of these indicators are international scientific publications and international cooperation that must be encouraged and improved through a variety of appropriate strategies.
Expand International Collaboration
Learning from his experience in Unair, the man born in Sidoarjo, 1979 proposed several strategies that can be done. Unesa has to look at his position now at what level in all ratings. Like the top 20 universities in East Java based on Webometrics rankings for example, Unesa ranks 8th. "Unesa should be able to overtake or climb to fourth place. At least in one fight in East Java, Unesa is at level three," he said optimistically.
Then based on UniRank data, at the national level Unesa is ranked 41st and at the world level is ranked 2,618th from around the world. In order for the national and international rankings to continue to increase, Unesa must cooperate with the highest-ranked campuses. "The more collaboration, the more things can be accomplished and achieved," he said.
There are several main measures that must also be considered by Unesa, namely Research and Publication, Academic Reputation, and International Staff. While the other three sizes are Employer Reputation, International Student, and Faculty Student Ratio.
Featured Fields and Determining the Field of Study
In the strategy of international publications, he said, lecturers must determine their respective areas of focus. That's mandatory, because it's very difficult for lecturers or researchers to be experts in all positions. Therefore it should focus on a specific thing.
In addition, Unesa must know in what areas of excellence and which fields need to be developed in the future. Scopus data March 17, 2021, Subject Area Publication Unesa dominant in the field of Physycs and Astronomy as much as 27.8 percent, Engineering 15.6 percent, and Social Sciences 12.7 percent. "If the three areas are the flagship publication of Unesa, yes it should be encouraged continuously, the priorities must be made, for example this year what themes should be put forward and that should exist," said the internal medicine specialist.
The publication data above will be even better if it is associated with the ten most registrant programs SNMPTN Unesa. Unesa will be powerful in terms of publication strategy.
Create a Research Group
The campus also needs to encourage its own lecturers or lecturers who take the initiative to create research groups. Its usefulness is many, through research groups can be formed a lot of role models and it becomes a 'locomotive' for others. Also as a forum to share research, encourage each other in achieving the vision and target of publication.
Find Trends or Topic Prominence in Research
Lecturers or researchers should know the trends in the world of research. It's important to pay attention, too. Researchers must have a vision for the future, 'field of study' is still selling or not? With such identification, the opportunity for publication in international journals can be easy and the opportunity to read and confiscate is great. "Prominence is not only important, but also has to look at momentum and visibility," he said.
Some of those things that need to be considered unesa towards the World Class University. "Let's go there together (world class university, red), what we can achieve together ayok we do together, what needs to be worked together Unesa and Unair ayok we help each other, and it is necessary and must support each other," he said.
The event was attended by hundreds of participants from various campuses and regions, both who joined directly through Zoom Meeting or through live streaming on the Official Unesa YouTube channel. In addition to the rector, there were also the ranks of vice rectors of Unesa and the entire leadership of faculties and departments as well as the entire academic community of Unesa. (Pr. Unesa)
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