Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya-
Registration for the Computer-Based Written Examination (UTBK), Joint Selection for State University Entrance (SBMPTN) ends on April 16, 2022. On this route, a total of 39,776 participants enrolled at the State University of Surabaya (UNESA). This figure increased from the previous year's UTBK which amounted to 30,017 participants. There was an increase of 9,759 participants or 32.5 percent.
"Alhamdulillah, because of the cooperation of all registrant teams, this year's increase. Public interest in studying at UNESA is quite high and is increasing from year to year. This shows an increase in public confidence to learn and develop themselves at UNESA," said UNESA Chancellor Prof. Dr. Nurhasan, M.Kes at the Rectorate on Monday (18/4/2022).
Cak Hasan added, the increase in the number of registrants in general almost occurred in all study programs (prodi) which made the competition to enter UNESA even tighter. However, the opportunity to pass is also open, because there is an additional quota for new student admissions this year in all pathways, including the UTBK-SBMPTN.
Psychology Dominates
Based on data from the Admissions Unit, there are 10 study programs with the highest number of registrants for the 2022 UTBK-SBMPTN pathway. Of the 10 study programs, Psychology has the highest rank and is the most favorite in that pathway. The study programs in question are as follows:
1. S-1 Psychology is in demand as many as 2,205 registrants
2. S-1 Management, 2,113 registrants
3. S-1 Communication Science, 1,763 applicants
4. S-1 Digital Business, 1,746 applicants
5. S-1 PGSD, 1,541 registrants
6. Bachelor Degree in Nutrition, 1,497 registrants
7. S-1 Legal Studies, 1,332 applicants
8. S-1 Accounting, 1,139 applicants
9. S-1 State Administration Science, 1,099 registrants
10. S-1 Informatics Engineering, 1,046 applicants
For this increase, the Head of the UNESA Admissions Unit, Dr. Sukarmin, M.Pd., appealed to all participants to prepare as much as possible. Since the first batch of UTBK will begin on May 17, 2022, participants are expected to use this time to prepare themselves; learn and practice understanding the questions to be tested. It is also a good idea to study the UTBK questions from previous years.
Message for Participants
To make it easier, participants need to analyze the type of UTBK test which consists of; 1) Scholastic potential test (TPS). This test covers general reasoning skills, quantitative skills including mastery of basic Mathematics, general knowledge and comprehension as well as reading and writing comprehension skills. 2) English proficiency test. This test aims to measure English language skills that support learning in higher education.
Then, 3) Academic ability test (TKA) which aims to measure knowledge and understanding of science taught (subjects) in schools and is needed to take higher education. This test emphasizes higher order thinking skills (HOTS).
For the UTBK exam group, namely, 1) there is a Science and Technology (Saintek) exam with TPS, English and TKA science (Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, and Biology) exam materials. The allocation of time is about 195 minutes. 2) Social and Humanities (Soshum) exam group with TPS, English and TKA Soshum exam materials (Geography, History, Sociology, and Economics). Time allocation 195 minutes. 3) Mixed test group (Science and Social Sciences) with TPS, English, Science and Technology TKA and Soshum test materials. Time allocation 285 minutes.
“In addition to learning and practicing answering questions, participants also need to maintain physical and psychological health. Make a regular study schedule. Periodically self-evaluate, which parts have been understood and which have not. What is understood, continue to be explored. What you don't understand, try again and practice again until you understand. Don't forget to pray and ask for the blessing of your parents. Happy learning and hopefully the results will be as expected," he said.
For information, the first batch of UTBK will be held on 17 - 23 May 2022 consisting of sessions 1 to 14 sessions. The second wave will take place on 28 May - 03 June 2022 for sessions 15 to 23. UTBK at UNESA will be held in three locations. UNESA Ketintang Campus, UNESA Lidah Wetan Campus and Unusa (partner campuses). [UNESA PR]
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