Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya-The application of learning during a pandemic has always been an interesting discussion among academics and practitioners. Especially at this time, there is a plan for implementing learning to be carried out face-to-face in the future with a hybrid system (face-to-face and virtual face-to-face).
Welcoming the application of face-to-face learning, educational institutions must be well prepared and need appropriate learning strategies. For that reason, students of Biology Education 2018 B, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Unesa held an Education Webinar with the theme Revitalization of the New Normal Era Learning Strategy on Sunday (23/05/2021).
The speakers presented were 2 presenters, the first was Ilfi Choiru Rohmatin as a Student of the Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Unesa, and the second was Dr. Rinie Pratiwi Puspitawati, M.Si as Head of the Department of Biology, FMIPA, Unesa. The webinar event was moderated by Firdatus Sukma Fitri and Mia Savita as MCs, who are both students majoring in biology FMIPA, Unesa.
Dr. Sifak Indana, M.Pd, Deputy Dean for Student Affairs and Alumni of FMIPA, Unesa in his remarks said that this activity could be a means of delivering information related to face-to-face learning preparation and adjustment of learning strategies in the new normal era.
According to him, there needs to be a strategy that must be considered so that learning is able to change or understand students, from face-to-face learning to changing in online learning, face-to-face learning will then be applied.
On that occasion, Dr. Rinie Pratiwi Puspitawati, M.Si explained about HOTS and online learning. According to him, 21st century competence shows that knowledge through core subjects is not enough, it must be equipped with creative, critical, character, responsible, tolerant, social, productive, and adaptive abilities and also supported by communication skills.
Online learning makes it possible to develop students' logical thinking through managed learning based on argumentation. The argument that is measured has the components of a claim, data, warrant, backing, qualification and rebuttal.
To bring up arguments, students are given HOTS questions which have a stimulus in the form of a phenomenon that contains concepts related to cause and effect, so that a percentage of the emergence of indicators is obtained from the student's answer. "Arguing is the result of critical thinking and it is important to manifest it in every learning strategy in each class or room," he said.
Meanwhile, Ilfi Choiru Rohmatin delivered material about the use of information technology in the learning of the new normal era. In his presentation, the Covid-19 pandemic has revolutionized learning organized by various levels of education. In no time at all, both schools and colleges were forced to implement online learning.
Based on a simple survey, according to him, online learning has the most important obstacles, namely communication technology infrastructure and the internet. Not all students or students live in cities with good internet networks, some are in rural areas, near mountains, so they experience network problems.
Then the second obstacle is feeling bored following online learning. Even though there are obstacles, learning must still be carried out. "So it takes the use of an LMS (Learning Management System) with a variety of content that can be used during online learning as needed," he said. (Aida)
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