Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA –Supporting the government in accelerating booster vaccination, the State University of Surabaya (UNESA) in collaboration with the Surabaya City Health Office held a booster vaccination for education staff (tendik) and students on 9-10 February 2022 on Floor 1 of the UNESA LP3 Building, Lidah Wetan Campus.
There were about 350 tendiks and students who carried out booster vaccinations on that occasion. For those who have received the first dose of the Astrazeneca vaccine, a special quota for the second dose is also provided.
Head of the UNESA Crisis Center Mitigation Unit (SMCC), Dr. Diana Rahmasari, S.Psi., M.Si revealed that the vaccination involved the Made Health Center team. For reasons of order, the stages of vaccination are divided into two waves. On the first day special for the tendik, while on the second day for students.
He added that the vaccination was UNESA's effort to support the government in accelerating booster vaccinations and to maintain the health and safety of UNESA citizens amid the emergence of various new cases of Covid-19 variants.

In addition, it is also a preparation for UNESA in holding limited and gradual face-to-face meetings. Based on the rector's circular, lectures at UNESA will take place fully online on 7-19 February 2022.
Regarding the next lecture scheme, waiting for the next circular which could be either full online or PTMTB based on the situation and development of the case.
The UNESA psychologist advised the entire academic community to maintain a clean and healthy lifestyle and always apply health protocols wherever they are. "Booster vaccinations do not abort the procedure, both are self-defense from exposure to the pandemic," he said. (UNESA PR)
Author: Hasna
Editor: @zam*
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