Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA–To suppress the spread of COVID-19, the Omicron variant, the government is pushing for a gradual acceleration of booster vaccination in all levels of society. The academic community of the State University of Surabaya (UNESA) received a booster vaccination quota on Tuesday, January 25, 2022 at the Atlas Club, Surabaya.
The quota obtained is 1,000 people, which is devoted to health workers and UNESA educators. The type of vaccine obtained is moderna for recipients who previously received the first and second doses of astrazeneca vaccine.
The booster vaccination is in addition to anticipating and suppressing Omicron transmission as well as preparation for conducting limited face-to-face lectures at UNESA. "Even though I have received the third dose of vaccine, of course I hope that all of them will continue to maintain the progress both on campus and off campus," said UNESA Chancellor Prof. Dr. Nurhasan, M.Kes.
Cak Hasan added that vaccination is part of the effort. As for other efforts that are also the key to not being exposed to the pandemic, namely obeying health procedures and living a clean and healthy lifestyle anywhere. "If we are honest, this pandemic has taught us the importance of a clean and healthy daily lifestyle," he explained.
He hopes that the administration of the three-dose vaccine can provide a sense of security and comfort for the academic community in carrying out the tridharma of higher education during the pandemic.
Cak Hasan added that the administration of the third dose of vaccine for the UNESA academic community would also be held again in the near future. This booster vaccine is carried out as a form of joint effort to ensure an increase in the immunity of the academic community in the midst of a pandemic that is still threatening.
"With this new variant, don't panic, be alert! The point is that we remain vigilant and adapt. Although movement is limited, we must continue to work and innovate for Unesa to be one step ahead," he said. [UNESA PR]
Reporter: Hasna
Editor: @zam*
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