Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya–State University of Surabaya through SMCC in collaboration with Puskesmas Made held a second stage vaccination activity as much as 100 quotas for the leadership of Unesa at LP3M Unesa Building on Tuesday (4/20/2021).
The vaccination is a continuation of the first stage of vaccination previously held at Ciputra University. Similar to that given in the first stage, the type of vaccine given for the second stage, namely the Sinovac vaccine.
Rector of Unesa, Prof. Dr. Nurhasan, M.Kes. said that despite receiving the second stage of vaccine injections. However, the implementation of health protocols must still be carried out strictly in the Unesa environment. Because, vaccines and prokes are a combination of maximum steps that can not be separated in efforts to prevent and handle the spread of Covid-19.
He added, in addition to vaccines and prokes, it is also necessary to maintain a clean and healthy lifestyle. Starting from regular exercise, adequate istrahat, and eating healthy and nutritious foods.
Suprapto, S.Pd., M.T. as Vice Rector for General Affairs and Finance, said that the second vaccination activity went smoothly and safely. Because, it has been prepared carefully. "Everything went according to scenario so there was no queue," he said.
Suprapto hopes that all unesa academic community that has been vaccinated is good immune and good faith, so that it can carry out its duties, one of which is ready to carry out face-to-face learning.
Furthermore, Suprapto said that if there are no obstacles then face-to-face learning can begin in the next semester. The learning will be done in a hybrid or face-to-face and online combination. Of course, face-to-face meetings are held by applying strict prokes.
Prof. Dr. Sarmini, M.Hum. from FISH revealed that the vaccine is still run but the prokes are still run anyway. Of course, for Sarmini it is mandatory to remember as a lecturer he must also serve students and also the development of universities that require coordination. He admitted that online coordination is effective, but in terms of substance is still fairly less convincing. "I am happy to welcome this vaccine program and hopefully we are all healthy and all Indonesians will be free from the Covid-19 pandemic," he added. (Hasna/Zam)
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