Unesa.ac.id. SURABAYA - Surabaya State University (Unesa) through the Directorate of Finance and Assets continues to disseminate evidence of A1 SPT SPT Taxpayer of Personal Person 2024 and the implementation of Coretax 2025 on Tuesday, January 21, 2025. This online activity was followed by related officials and selior employees Unesa .
< P> Director of Finance and Assets Unesa , Hariyati said that there are two sources of PTN-BH funding, namely from the APBN and Non-APBN in which it certainly exists There is an obligation to pay taxes for taxpayers as evidenced by the proof of A1."This is what we must calculate right, we must obey and deposit it to tax on time. Therefore, on this occasion we hear the exposure of the resource person how the calculation mechanism, "said Professor of Accounting Unesa that.
As PTN-BH, of course there are several tax components, such as routine taxes, and there are taxes that come from non-APBN funding revenues that are received routinely or permanently, both for civil servants and non-PNS.
"Then the civil servants will be related to pocket money, performance, including the end of the year. While non-PNS related to monthly salary, pocket money, THR, and so on. That will be calculated how many tax quantities must be paid, "he explained.
Deputy Rector II in Law, Ketatalananananananananan, Bachtiar Syaiful Bachri said, as the color of the state, in addition to the rights that have been received, there are obligations that must be fulfilled, namely paying taxes.
Professor of curriculum development said, the leadership of Unesa appreciated every effort made by the work unit to advance the campus 'one step ahead.'
One of them is to fulfill tax rights and obligations. We also need assistance about Coretax for 2025. In order to realize a more effective and efficient administrative system, it is important to carry out this socialization, "he said.
Tax Extension Officers of the Sukomanunggal Pratama Tax Office in Surabaya, Fransiscus Himawan Ardianto in his material said that all PTN-BH Unesa Sersa Sersa Employees will get different tax proofs from before PTN-BH UNESA.
Previously only received the Cut Form Cut 1721-A2, now will get proof of Cut 1721-A1. Therefore, at UNESA will allow receiving two pieces of piece, namely A1 and A2 for PNS employees. While non-PNS only receive proof of A1 cut.
as of January 2024, the procedure for calculating taxes every month undergoes changes, which answers the anxiety of tax cutters or employers, and recipients of income who feel complicated to find out taxes per month.
The calculation is by multiplying gross income or total income, salary, whatever received in the month, is directly multiplied by an effective tariff table or table.
"There are three types of tables at this time in Indonesia, namely Table A, Table B, and Table C. The third difference depends on our respective PTKP. So, this table makes it easy for tax cuts and income recipients to know the amount of monthly tax, just multiply gross income with the table, "he said. [Public Relations Team]
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