Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya-Surabaya State University (UNESA) held a 2021 Lecturer Workload Socialization (BKD) on Friday (23/07/2021). The event is intended for active lecturers, CPNS and permanent lecturers who are required to fill out the BKD. The speakers who were presented were Prof. Dr. Budi Jatmiko, M.Pd and Prof. Dr. Madlazim, M.Si.
BKD includes main activities in learning, guiding and training, conducting research, additional assignments, and doing community service. The minimum BKD is equivalent to 12 credits and a maximum of 16 credits. Meanwhile, the BKD policy direction in 2021 covers aspects of documents, mechanisms and final results.
Prof. Dr. Madlazim, M.Si said that the document is a 'reducing' lecturer's administrative burden, reporting the substance of the lecturer's performance, as well as outcome-oriented performance. While the mechanism points are the BKD integrated system, document input and online assessment, and the BKD assessors pass the competency test. "So that the final result is that lecturers can plan their careers, recapitulate BKD assessments, and fulfill lecturers' performance," he said.
He continued, the achievement of strategic target performance indicators (IKSS) and program performance indicators (IKP) started from BKD, lecturers and PT performance indicators to ministry performance indicators. “There are two BKDs, namely RKD and LKD. The RKD is inputted into the BKD service at the SISTER at the beginning of the semester. LKD or lecturer performance reports are inputted in the BKD service at the BKD at the end of the semester," he explained.
In addition, the lecturer's obligation in addition to reporting is the LKD which is carried out every semester and also reports special obligations. "The LKD for lecturers/professors is usually 12-16 credits, if the lecturer or professor is TT, it is 3-16 credits," said Prof. Budi Jatmiko. According to him, lecturers with learning tasks are to report on the progress of studies with 12 credits and lecturers with study permits report BKD every semester. LKD achievements above 16 credits are counted as overburden and can be given certain incentives or remuneration. (Madina)
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