UNESA.ac.id, SURABAYA - The Artificial Intelligence and Scientific Publication Unit (AIPI), State University of Surabaya held a SINTA Data Update Workshop version 3.0. on Thursday, July 14, 2022. The activity was carried out online and broadcast through the Youtube channel, Unesa's Artificial Intelligence and Scientific Publication.
On that occasion, Dr. Binar Kurnia Prahani, M.Pd., delivered the material "Technical Presentation of the SINTA Update version 3.0 & Socialization of the Unesa International Conference". It is important to update data, because it has an impact on the publication aspect of higher education journals.
The SINTA 3.0 update has a matrix value, which is referred to in every publication of Scopus, WoS, Google Schoolar, Garuda as well as for books that can be directly connected to the National Library and research, PKM as well as protocol prototypes.
"Furthermore, related to UNESA international conferences, there are facilities to hold international conferences, namely MIESEIC, ICEI, ICCSAL, ICRACOS, ICSSL all this year and extend submission until July 22, 2022. The benefits are free for lecturers in one conference including the cost of papers and their papers, " he said.
In addition to delivering material, he also guides lecturers regarding updating SINTA data which will support the publication of scientific works of lecturers and students.
Meanwhile, UNESA SINTA Coordinator, Dr. Elly Matul Imah, S.Si., M.Kom., said that SINTA has a system that is no longer done manually. Now based on external systems that are integrated with each other such as DJKI, National Library, Google, PDDIKTI SISTER, BIMA, RAMA, ARJUNA, LPDP and Scopus.
The integration of SINTA, he continued, can make it easier for repositories, intellectual property, BKD needs, storage of theses, theses and dissertations that are not published in the journal proceedings can be uploaded through RAMA, as well as for journal accreditation purposes as well as indexes in journals through GARUDA.
"For lecturers, from expert assistants to professors, they will have special obligations that are integrated and evaluated through the BKD, which if not there can result in difficulties in providing work allowances," he said. The event was attended by UNESA leaders, deans and lecturers around UNESA. [UNESA PR]
Author: Muhammad Haikal
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
Photo: Unesa Public Relations reporter documentation
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