Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA-The State University of Surabaya (UNESA) conducted a data update on the SISTER application, Monday, February 14, 2022. This relates to the collection of data for the 2021 PTN KPI and all data attributes according to the needs of KPI 3, 4, 5 which must be filled out and completed before February 28, 2022.
Dr. Sulaksono, S.H., M.H as the Head of the General and Finance Bureau, revealed that the updating of the data was related to the rector's circular regarding updating data on the SISTER application and to complete SISTER data as evidence of performance and representation of lecturers' performance.
"So we hope that data entry activities through the SISTER application can be maximized so that they can complete data for KPIs 3, 4, and 5 as well as update SISTER data. Hopefully this can be done well and achieve the expected goals together," he said.
UNESA Chancellor Prof. Dr. Nurhasan, M.Kes., that a large-scale transformation must be carried out on various fronts, considering that in the near future UNESA will assume the status of PTN-BH. Human resources who have extraordinary enthusiasm are needed to build and advance UNESA.
“This is important for the progress of the institution. We really control and try to build a superior academic atmosphere and achievement. We don't just run but jump as far as we can and adapt in this extraordinary era. We have to be able to adapt, we build a mindset and try to accelerate in various sectors," he said.
He added that the change from UNESA to PTN-BH must be accompanied by a number of adjustments and it was absolutely necessary. “Today the team must go to Jakarta to finalize the statutes with the five ministries. Please pray for everyone's blessing, hopefully it will be facilitated," he said.
As is known, lecturers must fill out SISTER for the purposes of BKD and BLU League or maintain the dignity of the institutions we love, today we specifically invite Mr/Mrs Lecturers to help us, help UNESA and try to maintain and improve UNESA in the BLU league, Year then we are in 6th place and this year UNESA is determined to be in the top three. The trick is
The Chancellor advised that UNESA lecturers could fill out SISTER for BKD and BLU League needs. Then made a number of breakthroughs to improve UNESA's achievements in the BLU League. The previous year, UNESA was in 6th place and this year's target is to be in the top three.
"Updating this data is to fulfill 3 Main Performance Indicators of 8 KPIs set by the ministry, namely KPI 3 for involvement of lecturers outside campus, KPI 4 for lecturer qualifications, KPI 5 for research expenditures," he concluded.
The updating of the data was guided by Nadi Suprapto, M.Pd., Ph.D., who explained the technical details of data entry in the SISTER application. The guides also help participants with filling out those that support the KPI. The event was attended by the Chancellor of UNESA Prof. Dr. Nurhasan, M.Kes. , the ranks of vice chancellors, deans and deputy deans as well as all teaching staff within UNESA. [UNESA PR]
Author: Muhammad Haikal Shamim Waskito
Editor: @zam*
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