Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya–After signing a cooperation agreement with two foreign universities on Tuesday (23/2/2021), Universitas Negeri Surabaya signed a cooperation agreement (MoU) with PT Nustrifood on Wednesday (24/2/2021).
MoU held on the eighth floor, Rectorate Building UNESA was attended by Dr. Sujarwanto, M.Pd as Vice Rector of Planning and Cooperation, Andre Setiawan Omarhadi as Area Marketing Manager of PT Nutrifood Indonesia East Java and Vito Dwiki Jhalu Adjie as Area Marketing Associate of PT Nutrifood Indonesia East Java and the team.
The collaboration focuses on developing PSL to contribute in educating the community on how to discover and develop the potential of people with disabilities. Not closing the possibility, Unesa and PT Nutrifood Indonesia will expand cooperation in other fields in accordance with the needs of the future in the field of education.
Andre Setiawan Omarhadi said that PT Nutrifood through its four pillars (education, socioeconomic, health, and green) wants to contribute and provide the best for society and the country.
One of the efforts to optimize the implementation of the four pillars of the industry engaged in the field of health food and beverages is through networking in various lines. That's why the network of cooperation with various parties continues to be carried out, one of which is with UNESA. "One of the parties that we believe can support the optimization of our program is the campus and one of them is UNESA," explained Andre Setiawan.
Sujarwanto explained that the cooperation is present as a form of implementation of free learning and an independent campus (MBKM). In addition, as branding both institutions and strengthening their respective capabilities and most importantly to contribute positively to the progress of society and the nation.
According to him, the cooperation is also an effort to encourage and improve the quality of mbkm program implementation in UNESA. "The point is that UNESA and PT Nutrifood can contribute according to their respective fields in answering the needs of the community and building the country," he said.
"Especially for the MBKM, kitas agreed to be handled with various activities and programs, one of which is an internship program for students in accordance with their study program in this company and vice versa experienced human resources from this company can share their experiences and knowledge to our students through internships and other activities," he added. "Hopefully this cooperation can involve all faculties in UNESA that are relevant to the business field of PT Nutrifood," hope Sujarwanto. (Hasna/Zam)
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