Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA-The State University of Surabaya is intensifying the implementation of MBKM in various programs and activities, one of which is the Certified Independent Study and Internship (MSIB) program. The program was socialized online on Wednesday, January 5, 2022 and broadcast live on the UNESA Merdeka Campus Youtube.
The socialization event was attended by Dr. Bachtiar S Bachri, M.Pd., as the head of LP3 UNESA. As resource persons, the Chair of the MSIB Sub-Working Group, Nurhadi Irbath, ST., CEC., LCC, and Dr. Muhammad Sholeh, M.Pd., Head of the UNESA MBKM Unit. In addition, student participants from semester 7, 6, 5, 4, even semester 1.
Dr. Bachtiar S Bachri, M.Pd., said that MSIB has provided many benefits for students. Higher education is the spearhead of all phases of school or learning starting from early, elementary, middle and high school education. All of them make full efforts to form students who have the provisions so that later they can play a role in the community, especially in participating in the welfare of the community. Welfare is very broad in meaning, and the closest and most defined is having an income, decent work, and can be accepted in the world of work.
According to him, one that can be relied on is the MSIB program which will actually be applied in a real way what has been obtained academically through theoretical studies and research results, to then be applied in the industrial world and in accordance with the needs of the community. He hopes that this year's MSIB can expand and multiply the experiences gained by students that match their passions.
The first batch of MSIB alumni, Intan Puspitasari, a student of the Indonesian Literature Study Program who is currently doing an internship at PT. Narasi Media Pracaya, the parent company of Narasi TV. He was accepted as a reporter for one of the Newsroom's Narrative section programs. There he worked on how to create narrative content. In addition, he was also facilitated with learning classes ranging from journalism, content marketing, to how to calculate community.
"Essentially in Narrative, I have learned many things, starting from experiences, new relationships from various regions, and also being accompanied by competent mentors, because apart from daily individual tasks, there is also learning to make projects that can be implemented directly, so it is very interesting," he said.
Meanwhile, Ikhwan Fadlu Fantazilu from Psychology study program and Nimas Lintang Andaru from Mathematics study program, who took an internship at PT. Technology Paragon. PT is one of the manufacturing companies in Indonesia. They participate in Independent Studies where the program focuses more on the learning process which contains materials that are appropriate to the world of the company's industry.
The learning is carried out in groups and accompanied by mentors, so the activities are very exciting. They also work on projects, solve problems and business ideas so that PT. Paragons can be doubled. then the project is completed in groups. "We learned a lot of new lessons and experiences that we didn't get before during college, and in the project we were accompanied by experienced mentors," said Nimas.
Then, Rizki Pratama S, a Mechanical Engineering student who is now at PT. Indonesia Power, Lombok which is a subsidiary of PT. PLN. He was an intern in the operations division, apart from doing an internship he also served as a liaison between partners and students and vice versa.
Muamar Zainul Arif as PIC. MSIB UNESA., stated that the MSIB program is very interesting, because of the extraordinary internship opportunities, as well as independent studies, namely learning about skills that are indispensable in the 21st century and others. According to him, the program is a serious program and the partners involved are also very competent. In addition, mentors in this program are also very concerned so that this program is guaranteed by experienced and qualified mentors.
Muhammad Sholeh explained that by participating in MSIB activities, later students will get various benefits to enter the world of work. This activity is also adjusted to the steps in entering the world of work from application to selection and acceptance, so that it can be a simulation and learning for students to prepare themselves before entering the business and industrial world.
Internship is an opportunity for students to develop themselves and competence. So that students can know and have competencies that are certainly expected by companies and the industrial world. The basic concept of independent learning is divided into 2, namely the 5-1-2 concept and the 6-0-2 concept. One of the two models can be chosen as an alternative.
The 5-1-2 model consists of 5 semesters taken inside the study program, 1 semester taken outside the study program on campus, and 2 semesters off campus. Meanwhile, in the 6-0-2 concept, the difference is 6 semesters in study programs and 0 semesters outside study programs on campus. Regarding the choice of learning experience, students directly choose the model and path as a form of student independence.
Nurhadi Irbath, said that MSIB are two very good programs, but readiness in the ministry does need things to be accelerated, such as the first is the conversion of SKS, and the second is the speed or accuracy of pocket money. However, this problem is not a reason to stop, but on the contrary, it needs improvement to make it even better in the future.
The world is changing so rapidly that it creates challenges for current and future talents. The challenges consist of technology, socio-culture, workforce and environment. In addition, this is also compounded by the fact that only 38.6% of the total Indonesian workforce managed to find formal employment. Compounded by the number of job vacancies that are not sufficient for the number of job seekers and not all job vacancies are filled. The challenges ahead are; quality of graduates, management trainees, and environment. [UNESA PR]
Reporter: Azhar
Editor: @zam*
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