UNESA leadership and work units shared the increase in PTN IKU achievements with the UNM team at the Auditorium, UNESA Rectorate, Lidah Wetan Campus II, Surabaya.
Unesa. ac.id, SURABAYA—Surabaya State University (UNESA) welcomed the visit of Makassar State University (UNM) in the context of benchmarking strategies for achieving Key Performance Indicators (IKU) at the Lidah Wetan Campus 2 Rectorate Building, on Wednesday, September 25 2024.
UNM Deputy Chancellor 1 for Academic Affairs, Andi Aslinda, stated that the aim and purpose of the visit was to dig up a lot of information and share good experiences or best practices in achieving IKU.
The reasons they chose UNESA were strengthened by the various accomplishments and accomplishments of the 'Home of Champions' campus in the IKU field, starting from the PTN-BLU league up to the PTN-BH level.
"Through this activity, we hope to gain a lot of insight and various experiences regarding the strategy for achieving IKU that has been implemented by UNESA," said the UNM professor.
Vice Chancellor IV for Planning, Development, Cooperation and Information and Communication Technology, Martadi, explained that since UNESA had the status of a Legal Entity Higher Education Institution (PTN-BH), the Chancellor of UNESA had emphasized increasing the achievement of IKU .

UNM leaders stated that UNESA's track record in the field of IKU PTN was one of the important reasons for conducting benchmarking on the
"We "continue to strive to maintain these achievements, by encouraging the entire community to contribute in achieving the indicators that have been set," he explained.
Furthermore, in the discussion session entitled sharing discussion, the eight points of PTN's IKU were discussed in depth. . This includes graduates who succeed in getting decent jobs in accordance with their competencies, to students who get the opportunity to gain valuable experience outside campus.
Apart from that, discussion topics also included the role of lecturers who are active in various activities outside campus, such as research or community service, as well as how practitioners from industry are involved in teaching and sharing experiences on campus.< /p>

COLLABORATION: UNESA team with UNM delegation.
This discussion then expanded to a more comprehensive discussion regarding how the results of lecturers' work and research can be utilized by the wider community, as well as how study programs can establish collaboration with world-class partners to improve the quality of education.
Then we also discussed the development of collaborative and participatory classes, where interactions between lecturers and students become more dynamic, as well as the study program's efforts to achieve international standards in order to produce graduates who are competent on the global stage.
Welcoming the visit of the UNM team, everyone from leadership, deans, sub-directorates, to study programs and work units within UNESA were present, which made this sharing and discussion more colorful. (*)
Reporter: Mochammad Jafar Sodiq (FIP), and Saputra (FBS)
Editor: @zam*
Photo: UNESA PR Team
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