Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA –There are many activities that can be done to fill the holy month of Ramadan. One of them can be by entertaining the orphanage children as did the 804 UNESA Student Regiment Unit (Satmenwa) at the Ulul Albab Orphanage Surabaya on Saturday, April 16, 2022.
There, they held a series of activities including inviting orphanage children to play together. The game chosen is snakes and ladders with Islamic orders. Every move, up or down, participants will read a short letter of the Qur'an, read a prayer or remembrance according to the command in each position.
"There are those who read Al-fatihah, Al-ikhlas, prayer before going to bed, prayer for both parents, prayer for breaking the fast, prayer before eating, takbir, istighfar, mentioning hijaiyah letters, pillars of faith, singing Islamic songs and much more," said Isa Achmad Anggara Ramadhan, Deputy Commander of UNESA Satmenwa 804.

In addition, there is also a recitation activity which is followed by breaking the fast together with dates and snacks that they have provided beforehand. When breaking the fast, said Isa, women and men are distinguished so that there are no crowds and also to maintain the blessings of the fasting month.
After breaking their fast and praying together, they also handed over several basic food packages containing basic necessities to the orphanage administrator. The budget for the assistance comes from the donations they previously collected. Their goal is to entertain and make the orphans happy so they can keep the spirit of fasting and worship.
"In addition to helping children and spreading the spirit of sharing with others. Children are not alone. We all must always be there for them (orphanage children, ed),” he said. The activity was attended by the board of directors of the orphanage, involving 30 orphanage children, 13 personnel of Satmenwa 804 Unesa, Deputy Commander and Commander of Satmenwa 804 Unesa. [UNESA PR]
Author: Reyka Ayu
Editor: @zam*
Photo : Doc. Personal
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