Graduation ceremony will be placed at GOR Bima Unesa Lidah Wetan campus. Meanwhile the theme raised was "81st Graduation Unesa Ready to Develop Education Based on Mental Revolution for the Glory of Indonesia". Chancellor of Unesa Prof. Dr. Warsono M.S. explained that the theme was chosen with the aim of reminding the graduates that something had changed and the graduates had to be ready to face it namely about mental change. In addition it is hoped that the graduates can make changes themselves because they will enter different conditions.
That was agreed by Unesa Vice Rector I Prof. Dr. Kisyani Laksono M.Hum. Kisyani wants the graduates to be able to work with confidence and perseverance. "Learning is working and learning is working. We will be happy when Unesa alumni can be accepted anywhere can work can achieve and thank God if they can become role models " he said hopefully. (Syaiful)
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