Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya-Universitas Negeri Surabaya (UNESA) through the Crisis Center Mitigation Unit (SMCC) in collaboration with the Behavioral Change Task Force on Handling Covid-19 held an online Pandemic Talk entitled Sharing The Experiences and Dialogues of Covid-19 Survivors: Inspiration, Motivation and Education on Saturday (27/2/2021).
The event presented great women who successfully fought and recovered from Covid-19, such as the wife of Rector Unesa Dra. Endah Purnomowati Nurhasan, M.Pd., Dra. Hj. Fatma Saifullah Yusuf, Dr. Widowati Budijastuti, M.Si lecturer of FMIPA Unesa, and Dr. Asri Rejeki, MM., Psychologist, and dr. Niken Sasadhara Sasmita. Among them was Dr. Diana Rahmasari, S.Psi., M.Si., as the moderator of the event.
In addition, as a resource person there is also Dr. Sonny Harry B. Harmadi, Head of Behavior Change Task Force handling Covid-19 National, Muhammad Reza, S.Psi., M.Si lecturer PG-PAUD Unesa. Prof. Dr. Nurhasan, M.Kes., Rector of Unesa in his speech said that pandemic talk aims to commemorate the victims of Covid-19 who have preceded and at the same time as a forum to remind and educate the public to be more alert to the Covid-19 pandemic. "From the speakers hopefully we can be inspired to provide education and socialization to our brothers and neighbors so that there is a change in behavior in daily life," he said.
In addition, it is also expected to be a motivation for our brothers and sisters who are struggling against the pandemic. "We are not alone in fighting the pandemic, there have been many who fought Covid-19 and they won. Sure can recover and must be optimistic, but it needs high discipline and support from those closest to him," he said.
Hopefully by sharing knowledge, experience through the event can benefit all and disasters soon end in the land of mother earth and no more people who fall ill because of it. "Don't forget 3M (wearing a mask, keeping your distance, and , eating nutritiously, eating enough istrahat, happy sports activities, so that immunity is maintained," he said.
Dr. Sonny Harry B Harmadi Head of Behavior Change Task Force handling Covid-19 National said that the first thing that is heavy indeed when convicted confirmed positive Covid-19, people who are initially healthy suddenly his condition decreases, then there are symptoms and stress, there is psychological pressure. Therefore, the victims of exposure to covid-19 need to be supported by many parties. Do not give stigma, the stigma must be eliminated, one of them with events such as Pandemic Talk, the more survivors tell stories and open themselves it will lower the stigma in the community.
The impact of stigma is so dangerous that people can hide their disease, prevent people from seeking health care quickly, and make people reluctant to provide assistance or even alienate patients or their families or health workers.
As a survivor of Covid-19, Dra. Endah Purnomowati Nurhasan, M.Pd., who is also the Head of Darma Wanita Unesa advised all not to underestimate Covid-19. As much as possible should apply strict health protocols and exercise. Meanwhile, Dra. Hj. Fatma Saifullah Yusuf also said that even though it has been declared positive do not be helpless, raise the spirit, keep a positive mind, do activities as if there is nothing, strengthen religiosity and spirituality. "It is better to prevent than to treat, better discipline and obey the prokes, than to be exposed to Covid-19 with all its bad possibilities," said Dr. Widowati Budijastuti, M.Si.
Dr. Asri Rejeki, MM., Psychologist, and dr. Niken Sasadhara Sasmita conveyed the importance of body immunity and clean and healthy lifestyle (PHBS), as well as the defense wall of handling Covid-19 that must be considered and obeyed by the community. "Starting from 3M (wearing a mask, keeping your distance and washing your hands, red), vaccines, and 3T (tests, search, and follow-up, red)," said dr. Niken Sasadhara Sasmita. (aida/zam)
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