Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA-Ramadan is a month of blessings, full of mercy and a month of forgiveness. The fasting month is also a momentum in fostering empathy, sharing and helping each other. That is what The State University of Surabaya did in filling the holy month of Ramadan through the distribution of takjil to the citizens of Unesa on Thursday (15/4/2021) at Unesa Lidah Wetan campus and Unesa Ketintang Campus.
Dra. Endah Purnomowati Nurhasan, M.Pd., Head of Dharma Wanita Persatuan Unesa who was involved in the activity said that the distribution of takjil is a continuation of the Friday Berkah Unesa sharing program that is routinely held every Friday before Ramadan.
In addition, takjil sharing program is a routine program of Unesa every Ramadan. It's just that the concept of sharing the month of Ramadan during and before the pandemic is slightly different. If before the pandemic, the concept of the program in the form of Buka Bareng civitas academica Unesa with residents or road users.
While during the Covid-19 pandemic so as not to occur crowds, the agreed distribution of takjil packages. "Initially we planned for takjil for the wider community, because we are sesuikan with the circular of the Mayor of Surabaya, so we specifically takjil for the citizens of Unesa only," he said.
The wife of Rector Unesa Prof. Dr. Nurhasan., M.Kes also explained that there are as many as 750 food packages given to the citizens of Unesa, ranging from education personnel, lecturers, security guards, cleaning services and all other Unesa academika civitas. In addition, food packages are also distributed through SMCC Unesa to unesa mosques and nearby, as well as five Orphanage Foundations around Lidah Wetan and Ketintang.
This takjil sharing program is planned to be implemented until H-4 Lebaran. In the distribution of takjil packages, assisted by academic community at the university level, faculties to majors. "This takjil package is not much, but this gift can hopefully help each other and ease the burden on each other," he added. "By sharing we strengthen friendship, foster empathy, and carve out happiness in the month of blessings," he concluded. (Hasna/zam)
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