Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya - In the current digital era, religious learning and da'wah are not only done face-to-face but can also be done through writing on social media. This is done by one of the Islamic boarding schools, Alfalah Ploso Kediri. Pondok Pesantren Alfalah Ploso Kediri is known as a boarding school that produces many religious teachers and preachers. Religious studies are carried out comprehensively and thoroughly in Islamic boarding schools that still hold on to this salaf tradition, so that the provisions possessed by students to become religious teachers and da'wah interpreters are very sufficient.
However, not many students of the Alfalah Ploso Islamic Boarding School Kediri have produced writings that can be accessed by the wider community. Therefore, the Community Service Team (PKM) of the State University of Surabaya (UNESA) provided writing training to the students of the Alfalah Ploso Islamic Boarding School, Kediri. The writing training activity aims to train Ploso students to be skilled in conveying information and expressing their creative ideas through writing. Of course this information and creative ideas are related to learning and preaching Islam as a religion that is rahmatan lil alamin.
Head of Community Service (PKM) UNESA Lutfi Saksono, M.Pd. said that the students needed writing training to put their thoughts into writing. "It is not easy to put the Islamic thoughts of rahmatan lil alamin into writing. It needs a training process,” said Lutfi Saksono, M.Pd. Lutfi is the Head of Community Service (PKM) entitled "Assistance in Writing Popular Scientific Articles with Islamic Themed Rahmatan Lil Alamin and Strengthening Anti-Radicalism at Al Falah Ploso Islamic Boarding School Kediri".
Three lecturers namely Lutfi Saksono, M.Pd., Yunanfathur Rahman and R.N. Bayu Aji accompanies senior students to produce popular articles that are easy to read and understand by ordinary people. The PKM team hopes that this writing training can be a means of disseminating Islamic studies of rahmatan lil alamin that promote peace, friendliness, tolerance, plurality and also commandments of ma'ruf nahi munkar.
One of Alfalah's caregivers, Gus Fahim, expressed his interest in this writing training. He emphasized to his students to continue to learn to write and spread ideas about Islam to the wider community, through writing. Gus Fahim realized that every thing requires a process. The process cannot be instantaneous in order to produce good writing. Therefore, Gus Fahim strongly supports the Unesa PKM team in conducting writing training activities at the Al Falah Islamic Boarding School. (Unesa Public Relations)
Author : PKM Team
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