Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA–One of the functions of students as agents of change can be actualized through the Real Work Lecture (KKN) project. That is what the students of group 9, UNESA KKN-T showed in Lamongan. Through various programs, they have brought about a number of changes for the community and apparatus of Pamotan Village, Sambeng District, Lamongan.
The KKN group initially carried out a training program for the craftsmen there. The focus of the training is to increase the creativity of the crafters and the marketing of digital-based products. The training involved dozens of PKK women and craftsmen.
This activity was accompanied by the Entrepreneurship division. The goal is to increase the creativity of the village community in producing creative and innovative woven bamboo or pandanus and according to market tastes. "Besides that, it is also to increase the reach of the product market so that it has high selling power," said Shendy, the chief executive of the activity.

Shendy added, village communities are not only encouraged to produce products that are worth selling, but also encourage craftsmen to be able to introduce and sell craft products to the wider community. “That way, handicraft products in this village can be in great demand and have high selling power. Of course, we hope that this will have an impact on increasing the income of rural communities," he said.
Erni, Chairman of the Pamotan Village PKK appreciated the activity. According to him, it is important to hold training so that the community can be more motivated and creative in processing or developing various village potentials. "This is a separate opportunity for the village, especially in developing Village Owned Business Results (BUMDES)," he said.
Appreciation also came from the local village head. “This activity really opens people's horizons to be able to develop pandanus preparations, which are not only used as mats but can be made into bags, wallets, tissue boxes and others. Hopefully this is a good process for Pamotan village which is advanced and superior," said Rebi, Head of Pamotan Village.
In addition, the KKN-T Group 9 Lamongan also has a village apparatus assistance program which was carried out on 25 May. This program was held as the first step in realizing sustainable village development.
Village officials there were given training in managing village websites. The goal is to improve the quality of community services in the village. "In the current era, of course, the information system and services in the village should lead to a digital system. We will build a village website and train village officials on how to manage it," said Salsa, the head of the program.
For Rebi, the Head of Pamotan Village, this activity is very helpful for his village apparatus towards a transformative village with a technology-based service system. “The world is getting more sophisticated, village officials are required to be adaptive and creative. We hope that this kind of activity can be carried out again in the future," said Rebi.
DPL KKN-T Group 9, Lutfi Saksono, S.Pd., M.Pd., said that the student KKN program should not exist as long as it exists, let alone be created. The program must really be designed and planned based on the potential and needs of the village community. “What is needed in the community, oh it turns out that the craftsmen are still like that. So, what is the solution, one of which can be through training like the KKN friends did. This is a great program," he said.
He advised students to continue to develop their abilities and sensitivity in responding to needs or challenges in society. “Students must have sensitivity to seize opportunities or problems around them. Answer the challenge or problem with innovation and creativity. UNESA students must have a contribution to society," he said. [*]
Author: UNESA KKN-T Team Group 9 Lamongan and Hasna
Editor: @zam Al'asyiah
photo: Documentation of the Lamongan 9 KKN T Team
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