Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA-There are many ways that can be done to improve teacher competence. One of them can be done by conducting training as held by a team of lecturers majoring in German Language and Literature, Faculty of Language and Arts, State University of Surabaya (UNESA) some time ago.
They held training on the preparation of interactive German quizzes for teachers who are members of the German MGMP in Surabaya and its surroundings. The activity was carried out online and was attended by participants from various schools.
The training which is part of the community service program (PKM) is chaired by Dra. Fahmi Wahyuningsih, M.Pd. Its members are Dra. Dyah Woroharsi, P. M.Pd., Drs. Suwarno Imam Samsul, M.Pd and Lutfi Saksono S.Pd, M.Pd. They were assisted by two students, namely Muhammad Farhan Fauzy and Merlin Kalawen.
The training focused on preparing interactive German quizzes using the QuizWhizzer application. For information, QuizWhizzer is a game application designed specifically for learning and learning needs. There are about 79 thousand games in the application. The teachers just choose and use games that are suitable and according to learning and learning needs.
"This application has been used by many teachers around the world and the goal is to make the learning and learning process more interesting and fun," said the chairman of PKM Fahmi Wahyuningsih. "The use of technology, one of which is QuizWhizzer for learning needs, is what we strive for teachers to become professional, creative and innovative teachers," he continued.
In the training, the teachers were introduced to the basics of using technology for learning and the introduction of QuizWhizzer. In addition, they also learn from creating an account, making various types of questions, then practicing interactive quizzes with the application.
The activity received a pretty good response from the participants. Even the participants admitted that they were enthusiastic to follow it. It can be seen from the reactions, discussions and interactions during the training.
For the participants, the training is very important. Because so far, especially during the pandemic, teaching students in an interesting and fun way is quite challenging. "Especially with questions, students are prone to boredom. If you arrange interactive game-based questions like this, it will be interesting. So, it is better if this kind of training can be held regularly,” said one participant.
Lutfi Saksono, S.Pd., M.Pd., Head of the Surabaya State University Community Service Center appreciated and welcomed the activity. Apart from being a manifestation of the Tridarma of Higher Education, it is also a form of concern for the UNESA German Language and Literature Department for teachers so that they can continue to improve the quality of innovative, effective, and efficient learning in schools.
Meanwhile, the Chair of the German Language MGMP, Henny Krisstiyoningsih, S.Pd, also expressed his high appreciation and welcomed the implementation of this service activity. He hopes that these activities can continue and be followed up in the future with topics that are innovative and relevant to the needs of teachers in the field. "We as teachers periodically need to improve our competence through trainings like this," he said. [Unesa Public Relations].
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