Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya – The Surabaya State University Ideology Center held an Interfaith Workshop with the theme of Strengthening the Ideology of Pancasila and Diversity for Millennial Generations on Saturday (14/11). The event, which was held virtually via Zoom Meeting platform, was attended by 158 participants from students, lecturers, and public in general.
This activity presented 6 speakers, Dr. Ayub Mursalin, MA as an Islamic religious figure from the State Islamic University of Sulthan Thaha Saifudin Jambi, Dr. I Nengah Mariasa, M.Hum as a Hindu religious figure from the State University of Surabaya, Dr. Anung Priambodo as a Christian religious figure from the State University of Surabaya, Dr. Budinuryanta Yohanes, M.Pd as a Catholic religious figure from the State University of Surabaya, Liem Tiong Yang as a Confucian religious figure and Haryanto Tanuwijaya as a Buddhist religious figure.
Various interfaith figures were presented because Indonesia has diversity of ethnicities, religions, races and cultures. The contributions of these figures are expected to be able to take care of Pancasila and unite in the midst of diversity.
Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, Prof. Dr. Bambang Yulianto, M.Pd, in his remarks as well as opening the event, said that there are differences in the characteristics of each of the nation's generation from time to time. There are two generations, the war generation and the Gen-Z. Furthermore, in the 2000s a new generation emerged, that is Millennial generation. At this time, the sophistication of technology, social media, and various platforms is no longer a means but has become a lifestyle.
“The millennial generation really likes to interact with many people with various media and platforms that are easily accessible via smart phones. They have a very high social network, therefore they have a tolerant attitude because of the networking process they are doing. Religious harmony has long been inherited by Indonesian ancestors and it becomes an ideal model in religious social life. Therefore, religious harmony becomes an important pillar in uniting the entire nation in upholding the values â��â��of Pancasila," he explained.
The presentation was divided into 2 sessions. In the first session, 3 speakers were from Muslim, Hindu and Christian religious figures, then followed by the second session from Catholic, Kong Huchu, and Buddhist religious figures. Religious leaders conveyed material related to the perspectives of each religion in diversity and the life of the nation and state within the framework of Pancasila.
In this workshop, the subject discussed was Pancasila as the basis of the state, meeting point, connection point, and balance point of the Indonesian nation. The challenge is how to internalize the values ��of Pancasila in all aspects of life, so that the foundation of the state remains strong and upheld. This is unique to the state of Indonesia as for no other nation has a similar state foundation to Indonesia.
At the end of the session, the moderator invited all participants to protect Pancasila together and face all of the challenges that exist.
"Let's protect Pancasila together. Never get tired to take care of it. Because there will definitely be challenges in the process of maintaining Pancasila," he concluded. (mufthi)
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