Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA-Center for the Study of Sports Science (PKIK), LPPM, State University of Surabaya in collaboration with Kortex Indonesia held a Hybrid Webinar with the theme "Maintaining Bone Health to Stay Strong and Healthy during a Pandemic" on Tuesday, (11/30/2021). Events held face-to-face are limited to Suara Surabaya and through zoom meetings.
Head of PKIK UNESA, Dr. Mochammad Purnomo, M.Kes., in his speech said that this activity was a follow-up to the MoU between UNESA and Kortex Indonesia which had been carried out two weeks earlier. He hopes that the already good collaboration between PKIK UNESA and Kortex Indonesia can be well established in the future.
Dr. Lilih Tri Priyanto., as the representative of Kortex Indonesia also hopes the same thing. On that occasion, he motivated the webinar participants to always do physical activities and sports to maintain bone health. In addition, he stated that Kortex Indonesia has helped patients on various islands in Indonesia to heal and educate the public on the importance of maintaining health.
Speaker, dr. Kukuh Dwiputra Hernugrahanto, MD., Doctor of the National Hospital, delivered the material 'Osteoporosis and How to Prevent it'. Kukuh stated that from an early age, the important thing is not only saving money, but also saving bones. Bone density that is maintained properly from an early age can reduce the risk of osteoporosis or bone loss.
Furthermore, Mury Kuswari, S.Pd., M.Si who is a lecturer at Esa Unggul University explained that osteoporosis is also related to adequate intake of nutrients, especially calcium, magnesium and vitamin D. This intake is important for maintaining bone health. With adequate and balanced nutrition, bone density is maintained and reduces the risk of osteoporosis or other bone problems.
Visiting Ashadi, S.Pd., M.Fis., AIFO closed this event with the third material, namely the practice of physical activity that can be done easily at home to maintain bone health. The lecturer at the State University of Surabaya who is also the secretary of PKIK LPPM Unesa stated that in addition to nutritional intake, physical activity and exercise also have an important role to prevent osteoporosis.
Tips to avoid porous bones can be done by doing simple movements at home and at work, from light to moderate. Physical activity is carried out according to the joint space with the level of difficulty that can be adjusted to each individual. If you can have time to exercise then that's even better. The recommended sports to maintain bone health include walking, jogging, cycling, swimming, weight training, and yoga and gym ball exercises. [UNESA PR]
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