Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA-Lecturers and students of the Vocational Program and the Applied Bachelor program (D-4) of State Administration, State University of Surabaya made a new breakthrough for village services. The breakthrough was in the form of REST APPLES. The goal is that the governance and service system of the village government is getting better with digital-based.
REST APPLES? These are not leftover or uneaten apples, but the Village Archives and Service Application. The socialization and application were directly delivered by the UNESA lecturer team consisting of Dr. Agus Prasetyawan, M.Sc., Dr. Prasetyo Isbandono, M.Sc., Dr. Weni Rosdiana S.Sos., M.AP., Gading gamaputra, S.AP., MPA., Noviyanti, S.AP., M.AP., and Yuni Lestari, S.AP., M.AP to village officials Kendal, Sekaran District, Lamongan Regency.
Chairman of the Community Service Team (PKM) Gading Gamaputra, S.AP., MPA. said the activity was a form of dedication of lecturers and students to the community as an effort to support government policies on village empowerment. It is hoped that these activities and applications can help the performance of village officials. To be more effective in carrying out the administration of village archives and correspondence.
"This application is based on Microsoft Access so that village correspondence can be carried out effectively and efficiently," said Gading to the UNESA PR team. He revealed, the application can also function for archiving letters without rewriting in the books.
According to him, the way this application works is fairly easy, even for those who are new to technology, it can be done. Not only that, the application can also be used as a learning medium for village staff who are still unfamiliar with technology. The target of socialization is carried out to village officials.
The lecturers and the team did not only present APPLE REST. But also provide training by operating the application device. Starting from the login form, then describing the main menu of the application. Including, on the main menu, village officials can choose what correspondence administration is needed.
"For example, the processing of ID cards, family cards, birth or death certificates, heirs and other documents. The term has a practice as well," he said at the Kendal Village Hall, Sunday, November 20, 2021. Several village officials claimed to be helped by the application. Especially in archiving village activity letters. “The file can be printed directly. So it's easier to archive. There are hard copies, soft copies are also available. Hopefully it can support the performance of village officials," he said. (UNESA PR)
Author: PKM Team
Editor: @zam*
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