Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA-In order to realize disability-friendly regional development, the State University of Surabaya (UNESA) is collaborating with the East Kalimantan Provincial Government (Pemprov Kaltim) to prepare special scholarships for the S-1 Special Education (PLB) study program for children from from the 'Etam Continent' province.
This cooperation program has entered its third year. One of the goals is to improve the quality, accessibility, and quality education services towards an advanced and superior East Kalimantan. Participants who pass the scholarship are free of institutional development contributions (SPI), single tuition fees (UKT) and receive pocket money for 8 semesters or four years.
Dr. Sukarmin, M.Pd., Head of the UNESA Admissions Unit explained that this collaborative scholarship is a form of the efforts of the East Kalimantan Provincial Government through the East Kalimantan Provincial Education and Culture Office who want to create a truly friendly and quality area for the accessibility of friends with disabilities in all areas. aspect.
"Therefore, the first step is to prepare human resources through this collaborative scholarship program," he explained. This UNESA-Kaltim collaboration scholarship program is opened for SPMB or independent pathways. The schedule is as follows:
- Registration is open from tomorrow, 4-13 July 2022
- Test Implementation on 16-19 July 2022
- Announcement of Selection Results on 23 July 2022
- Re-registration of participants on 24-27 July 2022
Participant registration requirements;
- This route is intended for participants who have an East Kalimantan Identity Card (KTP).
- Is a graduate of SMA/MA/SMK/Package C or the equivalent batch of 2020, 2021 and 2022 as evidenced by a diploma or certificate of graduation for graduates in 2022.
- Participants will go through a computer-based written exam with test materials; academic and social potential.
- Participants can only choose the S-1 Extraordinary Education (PLB) study program
- The selection or test will be carried out online or online.
“Friends from East Kalimantan who certainly have an interest in continuing their PLB studies, of course, this is an opportunity that is not widely available out there. The scholarship is full plus there is pocket money,” said Sukarmin. For participants who want to register or want to get information, can visit the page, https://sipenmaru.unesa.ac.id/. (Unesa Public Relations)
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