Unesa.ac.id., SURABAYA—A total of 1,380 Surabaya State University (UNESA) students who successfully completed a series of academic assignments and fulfilled the official graduation requirements received degrees at the 109th Graduation at the level of Associate Expert, Applied Bachelor, Bachelor, Master and Doctorate at Graha UNESA, on Thursday (1/2/2024).
This period's graduation ceremony feels special, because graduates can receive direct reinforcement from the Governor of East Java, Dr. (HC). Khofifah Indar Parawansa, M.Sc., who on that occasion conveyed motivation, insight and important provisions for graduates of the 'Home of Champions' campus.
The Governor said that East Java is aggressively increasing the achievements of the manufacturing industry to reach 31.34 percent in 2022. Then in May 2024 the achievement is estimated at 35 percent, exceeding the national target in 2045. In order to strengthen this, the party is collaborating with an institution in London to prepare a digital future in East Java.
Apart from that, also maximizing intellectual capital in East Java, especially at UNESA to strengthen the manufacturing industrial processes currently being developed. This sector is not only limited to engineering or IT study programs, but also includes all study programs to build a continuous and sustainable process for the region.
Khofifah invites all parties to build East Java as a center of gravity Nusantara-Indonesia. "UNESA already has a center of gravity in the field of sports science. There are many things that universities can initiate to prepare superior human resources, including UNESA," he said.
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UNESA Chancellor Prof. Dr. Nurhasan, M.Kes., welcomed and supported regional development, one of which was through the preparation of superior human resources. He added that a series of long learning processes undertaken by students on and off campus through MBKM provides sufficient provisions for graduates to navigate increasingly dynamic and challenging situations and contribute to regional development.
The professor of sports science emphasized that graduation is a sacred event which includes the confirmation of degrees. A degree is a manifestation of competence and a series of inherent responsibilities.
"Every degree has responsibilities that must be fulfilled and maintained carefully. A degree is a manifestation of mature abilities and maturity in thinking and acting. One more thing, a degree must have an impact on the people around us and society," he said.

Rector's Message
Cak Hasan (the nickname of the UNESA Chancellor) motivates graduates to remain enthusiastic about studying at wherever you are. One of the keys to achieving a better future lies in the ability to learn and adapt. Apart from that, soft skills such as communication, collaboration and creativity skills are also needed.
"Congratulations to the graduates. My message is, quickly adapt and build the widest network possible. Learn and explore "experience to anyone. Learn, have ideas and be good at collaborating. UNESA graduates must have character, morals and culture," he said.
For information, 1,380 graduates this period came from all faculties around UNESA with the following details : Faculty of Languages and Arts (FBS) 258 graduates, Faculty of Education (FIP) 206 graduates, Faculty of Mathematics and Science 114 graduates, Faculty of Social Sciences and Law (FISH) 206 graduates.
Next, Faculty of Sports Sciences and Health (FIKK) 194 graduates, Faculty of Engineering (FT) 190 graduates, Faculty of Vocational Studies 109 graduates, Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) 95 graduates, and Postgraduate 8 graduates.
Best Graduate
From this number, the 10 best graduates with the highest GPA were announced. They are, Yuli Astutik S-3 Language and Literature Education, GPA 4.00; Moh. Turi, Master of Sports Education, GPA 4.00; Ulianandha Putri Nabila, Bachelor of Education Management, GPA. 3.90; Putri Rahmah Hidayati Bachelor of Fine Arts Education, GPA 3.92; Ahmad Misbakhus Sururi, S1 Chemistry, GPA 3.91.
Next, Anik Kurnia Ningsih, S1 Economics, GPA 3.90; Ajeng Sintah Nuryah, Bachelor of Education in Pancasila and Citizenship, GPA 3.90; Yuen Cheilo Prasetyo, Bachelor of Sports Science, GPA 3.81; Alfiatus Aisyah Nurhidayah, D-4 Transportation, GPA 3.81;
Amma Muliana, Bachelor of Cosmetology Education, GPA 3.80. []
Reporter: Saputra/Sindy Riska/Fatimah Najmus Shofa
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
Photo : UNESA Public Relations Team
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