This Surabaya native student is one of the recipients of the Bidik Misi scholarship. He admitted initially did not have the view to continue studying due to family economic limitations. However when he attended the socialization of Bidik Misi in his school he also tried his luck in one of the scholarship programs from the Higher Education. "Parents are supportive. "They believe that I know what Im doing" he recalled with a smile. Who would have thought Vivi was successful in academics. The lowest Semester Achievement Index (IPS) ever achieved during college was 3.78 and the highest IPS was 3.95. "This is the highest IPS I achieved in semester 3 " Vivi said proudly. Talking about the organization she was very appreciative. According to Vivi being active in organizations is very important. There are many ways to dive into it. One of them is by teaching at TPQ and elaborating which has been busy until now.
"The organization on campus I did not participate because there was no vehicle. Just go to college with my friend " he recalled. "And again if I take the TPQ where I teach is an organization I learn and develop a lot communicate with many people process an activity practice cooperation and much more." Vivi said.
Vivi has never felt pressured by all the activities carried out in addition to lectures that are her responsibility. "If its stressed or not. Thats just a lot of responsibility. Delicious. Just traveled a lot of fun " said Vivi who has worked as Primagama Wiyung Branchs administration.
The motivating motivation is that if you only do what you can do you will never be more than you are. He also shared specific tips for students to maintain a high IP. "Get to know yourself first how do we learn our will will definitely influence the mastery of the material" beber Vivi. The eldest brother of 3 siblings sees students are now more advanced. There are many institutions to channel their talents and interests. "Students now also have great competitiveness about achievement. Moreover supported by the availability of scholarships for those who are less fortunate like me for example the Bidik Misi program " he added.
Vivi Pratiwi plans to join the LPDP scholarship program to continue her Masters level. The dream to be achieved after graduating from S-1 with satisfactory results is to pass the LPDP selection continue studying with academic achievements as before and later become a lecturer. (Syaiful R / KK / Humas)
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