Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA-The 38th National Sports Day (Haornas), September 9, 2021, is a momentum for the revival of Indonesian sports. The Faculty of Sports Science UNESA has a different way of commemorating the big day of the sport, namely by holding a flag ceremony with the theme "The Great Design of National Sports Towards Advanced Indonesia" in the courtyard of the UNESA FIO U1 Building, Lidah Wetan Campus on Thursday (09/09/2021) .
The ceremony, which was held online and offline, involved Athletes of the National Paralympic Committee of Indonesia (NPCI) East Java and was attended by all leaders of faculties and departments, lecturers, staff, and students around FIO.
The event, which took place solemnly, was enlivened by 'attractions' by karate athletes and performances by NPCI Puslatda East Java athletes in the sport of Judo Netra Wrestling by Prayogi Gautama and Agung Gondolimo, respectively. Demonstrations of skills ranging from movements, attitudes, moves as well as the strength, speed, and agility of the two athletes became their own colors at the Haornas commemoration.
Prof. Dr. Bambang Yulianto, M.Pd., Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs on that occasion said that Haornas was not an ordinary warning. However, it is a milestone in living and animating sport as an important part of the national development program. Each series is meaningful in improving the innovation and achievements of Indonesian sports in the future.
He added that abroad, the flying of the red and white flag and the Indonesian national anthem could only be seen and heard when there was a presidential visit abroad and when the nation's children made achievements at the world level. Therefore, he continued, Haornas and its series of warnings can really be lived and become motivations in making achievements. "In this national event, FIO must continue to improve its role and strategy in encouraging the advancement of the Indonesian sports world," said the Professor of the Faculty of Languages and Arts UNESA.
Meanwhile, the Dean of the Faculty of Sports Science, Dr. Setiyo Hartoto, M.Kes said that UNESA as a university that is involved in the world of national sports continues to do many ways to support the progress of Indonesian sports. According to him, to get there, it must be done with the cooperation of all sports stakeholders. "That's why we at FIO continue to expand the reach of collaboration with all parties, including the NPCI and sports federations," he explained.
He continued, NPCI East Java has so far been practicing at UNESA to prepare for national and international sports championships in the future. "Unesa as a center for the development of Sport Science, hopefully, NPCI Puslatda Jatim can train well at UNESA and can achieve the expected results," he said.
In addition to the ceremony, in commemorating the 2021 Haornas, UNESA also held a series of international seminars or webinars discussing the world of national sports. Then held national sports championships.
Apart from these activities, UNESA also provides free educational scholarships for athletes competing in the Tokyo 2020 Paralympics. Prof. Dr. Nurhasan, M.Kes, the Chancellor of UNESA, discussed this with the Head of the East Java Dispora and even the Indonesian Ministry of Youth and Sports some time ago. The scholarships are not only for those who come home with medals, but for all athletes who are fighting in this prestigious world sport event.
The free education is UNESA's effort to give appreciation to athletes with disabilities. In addition, as a form of UNESA's commitment as a disability-friendly campus in encouraging and improving sports achievements with disabilities in particular and Indonesian sports in general. (QQ/zam)
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