Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya - In order to prepare for the XVI National Paralympic Week in Papua this November, as many as 71 athletes are ready to train in the regional training center held at the State University of Surabaya from 2-5 September. As part of a series of activities, Saturday afternoon (4/9) the National Paralympic Committee Indonesia (NPCI) Regional Training Center for East Java Province was held at the Graha Unesa Building.
According to Imam Kuncoro, Chairman of the National Paralympic Committee (NPCI) of East Java Province, the Training Center at Unesa was carried out as part of efforts to realize the medal target.
“The athletes selected are the best disabled athletes who have been selected and become champions in the East Java Provincial Sports Paralympic Week (Peparprov Jatim). We are targeting to win 21 gold, silver and bronze medals” he said
The paralympic athletes will compete in 10 sports, namely athletics, Boccia, badminton, blind judo, shooting, archery, swimming, soccer, table tennis and chess. In addition, there were also 22 professional coaches who were ready to assist the athletes in undergoing the training period.
Imam continued, the election of Unesa as the host of this apple was also intended to maintain the health condition of the athletes,
"Unesa provides sports facilities and personnel in the field of sport science that can support the athletes' training process so that later they will be ready to make East Java proud," he added.
Unesa itself welcomes the trust given. Spoken by Dr. Setiyo Hartoto, Dean of the Faculty of Sports, said that this training camp is in accordance with the advantages and focus of Unesa's development in three fields, namely art, sports and disability.
“The facilities, buildings and human resources in sports at Unesa are one of the best and most comprehensive. Being the host of the NPCI event is a matter of pride and a manifestation of our commitment to advancing the glory of sport and preparing athletes physically and mentally so they are ready to compete,” he said.
Meanwhile, Drs. Supratomo, M.Si, Head of the Youth and Sports Office of the East Java provincial government reiterated his attention to health and safety during the pandemic. Apart from constantly reminding the athletes about the importance of health protocols, he did not forget to burn the athletes and encourage them to train seriously.
"Practice like you're fighting, and then fight like you're practicing," he said. (Unesa Public Relations)
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