Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA- The development of the world economy and digital marketing trends must be responded to swiftly and wisely. For this reason, UNESA held an international webinar “Economic View: Economy Development with Digital Marketing during Covid-19” on Sunday, 03 October 2021.
The event was a collaboration between BEM FEB UNESA and University Technology MARA (UiTM) Malaysia which was attended by the Deputy Minister of Trade of the Republic of Indonesia (Wamendag RI), Jerry Sambuaga as Keynote Speaker.
Meanwhile, as a presenter, H.M.A. Affandi Mattalitti Chairman of the Surabaya City Chamber of Commerce, Dr. Mazurina Mohd. Ali as UiTM Accounting Lecturer and Hujjatullah Fazrulrrahman, SE., MBA Head of UNESA Digital Business Study Program. They were accompanied by a moderator, Clarashinta Sophisticated, S.E., CIFP., Assistant Professor of Islamic Economics Study Program Faculty of Economics and Business.
Dr. Anang Kistyanto M.Sc., Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) UNESA stated that economic developments during the Covid-19 pandemic did not reduce the percentage of the world's market. There are some who quickly adapt to the situation and begin to compete for real in the digital world.
The Vice Minister of Trade of the Republic of Indonesia, Jerry Sambuaga through a presentation entitled "Creative Millennials: Empowering The Indonesia's Digital Economy" stated that in 2020 the majority of the population will be in the productive age group of which almost a quarter (23.86%) are youths aged 16-30 years.
The productive age group also develops purchasing power and consumption levels. Therefore, local buying trends must be optimized in order to keep growing to create more market opportunities for local products and brands so that they can compete with well-known products from other countries.
He also added that in the new wave of technological development, Indonesia needs to build a more comprehensive digital ecosystem in transaction facilities and interconnection between upstream development, logistics, and technology.
Innovation is needed because it can be the key that can be utilized optimally by the community. Such as empowering farmers and increasing their productivity, providing access to capital, especially for SMEs, creating inclusive, quality, and accessible education for everyone, especially students, as well as improving care coordination, public health management and patient education.
On that occasion, Jerry Sambuaga also highlighted Indonesia's trade performance in January 2020 to August 2021. He said that the total exports of oil and gas and non-oil and gas in the January-August 2021 period increased by 37.77% with revenues of USD 142.01 billion compared to the previous period. the same in 2020, which is only in the range of USD 103.07 billion.
The USD 19.18 billion surplus in January-August 2021 was the highest since 2011, while in the 2016 to 2020 period, the percentage of exports only increased by 2.31%. "This means that during this pandemic, Indonesia's trade performance has drastically improved compared to previous years and this has had a tremendous positive impact on the country," he added. [Saputra/zam]
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