Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya- The Department of Economics Education, Faculty of Economics and Business, UNESA held an online International Visiting Lecture with the topic "Communication for Professionals" which invited resource persons Prof. Norazlan Bin Hj. Anual, MM(IT)., BBA(HRM)., DES., DESS. Senior Lecturer Faculty of Business and Management Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) Malaysia on Tuesday (02/05/2021).
Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business Unesa Dr. Anang Kistyanto, S.Sos, M.Si in his speech said that FEB's vision and mission is to become a reputable faculty in Southeast Asia in the fields of economics, economic education and business in 2023. and ranked in QS World by subject,” he said.
In addition, Anang also said that the Covid-19 pandemic is a momentum that can encourage the acceleration of the industrial revolution 4.0. Work can be done anywhere as long as the internet is connected. Then the socialization of work from home, work from hotels, and work from Bali echoed by the government is one of the strategies for choosing local economic conditions. "This has implications for different work patterns, previously communication could be direct but through WFH using technology everything became easy and practical," he said.
He continued that in this condition, universities must respond well so that the gap or gap in skills needed by the world with the skills possessed by students and employees can be minimized and even anticipated.
Anang gave an example, in the field of human resource management (HR), both theory and practice have evolved. "In the concept of personal management, it shifts to human resource management, then shifts again to human capital management and in the future there is the concept of human communication interaction that combines humans and technology," he explained.
He hopes that through the International Viciting Lecture Program, current issues related to communication for professionals can be raised and discussed with experts. "In the future, hopefully we can collaborate more deeply in the form of joint research and publications so that it can be useful for Unesa-UiTM and people in the world," he hoped.
On that occasion, Prof. Norazlan Bin Hj. Anual, MM(IT)., BBA(HRM)., DES., DESS. explained the topic ‘Communication for Professional Basic to Basic Tips and Hints’. He said that communication is one of the keys to carrying out the mission and achieving the vision. That applies in all fields. According to him, communication is not just building interaction, but how the interaction or communication is used in the right context to convey something so that the intent and purpose can be easily understood, trusted and even approved by other parties.
After the presentation of the material, the activity continued with a question and answer session and the handover of certificates to resource persons represented by the Head of the Office Administration Education Study Program, Triesninda Pahlevi, S.Pd., M.Pd. (QQ)
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